Subject: Volume 069, Issue 029

Nov 02, 2011 08:19

[Ed note: for the past two weeks, I've been unable to connect to tumblr - is it the same for any Brits with a Virgin connection, too? ]

- ingu_x posted 'The Wolverine' Much More Intense, Says Director James Mangold.
- ingu_x posted Actor Jason Flemyng On An X-Men: First Class Sequel. [Ed. note, X:FC had to make $350 million to get a sequel in the works. It made $356 million - hands up who knew this?]
-DC pays 75% of occupy metropolis ad.

- cayal drew sketches of Erik and Charles. (Rated, G )

- godofpancakes wrote "A Year To Grow On". (Rated , )Frigga/Odin, Thor/Loki
- isiscaughey posted "Steve Rogers/Tony Stark rec list over in DW". (Rated , assorted )
- rubynye wrote "Rose In The Fisted Glove". (Rated ,NC-17 ) Erik/Charles Eric/Shaw Charles/Shaw
- ascoolsuchasi wrote " _____ in the Key of G Major". (Rated ,NC-17)[Ed note: took out a swear word, language is NSFW)
- ec_admin wrote "A Logical Progression 1/2". (Rated ,R ) Erik/Charles
- ithildyn wrote "Variations on a Theme for Cowboys". (Rated , G) Tony Stark/Highlander
- gyzym wrote "Situation Normal: All _____ Up". (Rated , R) Steve Rogers/Tony Stark movie verse [Ed note: title blanked for NSFW language]

- darlinglileve wrote "As the World Falls Down". (Rated , R) Bane/John
- tomatocages wrote "disasters numb within us". (Rated ,PG ) young justice
- silverspidertm2 wrote " Lights of Gotham". (Rated , PG-13) Dick, Bruce, Jason, +everyone!
- dream-infinity0 wrote "Caught With Consequences". (Rated , PG-13)Clark/Lois
- parasoule wrote " Show Me Your Colors". (Rated , PG) teen titans
- bradygirl_12 wrote "Bleeding Kansas". (Rated , unknown ) Clark Kent/Lex Luthor

Drabbles and Ficlets
- pygmymuse wrote "Unsettled". (Rated , PG-13 ) Rogue/Remy

Fanvids and Fanmixes
- ladymajavader posted "Bloodsport". (Erik Lehnsherr)

- dcu-memes has DC femmeslash comm now ope.
- doctor_anon has Watchmen Secret Santa

- rayi-san posted Cosplay as Charles and Erik.


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