Volume 69, Issue 4

Oct 06, 2011 21:03

- lonelywalker posted about the DVD and Bluray release of Cowboys and Aliens.
- ontd_marvel posted a Chris Evans interview.
- ontd_marvel posted a Tom Hiddleston interview.
- alchemy_hisoka posted preview pages from Stormwatch #2.

- takmarierah drew "You Were Told Never to Come Here". (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)

- plainapple drew "Dick Grayson B&W". (Rated G)

- dreamlittleyo wrote "Won't Be Held Down by Who I Used to Be". (Rated NC-17, Thor/Loki)
- manaisabasterd wrote "A Little Bit of Nostalgia" Part 2. (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)
- pearl_o wrote "let it out (you're doing all right)" - series of 3 stories so far. (Rated NC-17, Erik/Charles)
- zombieboyband wrote "Charles Xavier's Home for Wayward Canines". (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
- dizzycalm wrote "To Be Alone (With You)" Part 7. (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik)
- citizenjess wrote "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back". (Rated PG, Pietro, Erik/Charles)
- citizenjess wrote "Rise Up to Rule". (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik, Shaw)
- moonshape wrote "The Telepath and the Metal-Bender". (Rated R, Erik/Charles, Charles/Moira, Erik/Raven)
- alaceron wrote "Conspiracy of Kisses". (Rated G, Erik/Charles)
- hariboo_smirks wrote "the salt skin". (Rated R, Sif/Loki)
- regann wrote "An Earlier Heaven" Part 1. (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)
- mechelune wrote "Two of a Kind" Part 6/11. (Rated PG-13, Sif/Loki, Frigg, Thor, Warriors Three)
- zimothy wrote "Let Hope Burn in Your Eyes" Part 1. (Rated PG-13, Charles, Erik)
- thistlerose wrote "A Day at the Beach". (Rated PG-13, Havok/Darwin)
- weightedpass wrote "Eggshell". (Rated PG-13, Charles/Moira, Charles/Erik)
- xinaini wrote "miles from what we would miss". (Rated PG-13, Erik/Charles)
- blakefancier wrote "Landslide". (Rated R, Steve Rogers/Howard Stark, Tony Stark)
- emilys_knickers wrote "Remnants and Fragments". (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
- braving_it wrote "What Makes You Think I’m Enjoying Being Led to the Flood?" Part 1. (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
- acidqueen31 wrote "Space Monkeys". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik)
- ancarett wrote "Rowing in Eden". (Rated PG-13, Thor/Jane)
- putigress2012 wrote "A Bit of Practice". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik)
- monstrousreg wrote "A Good Man (Does Not) Go To War". (Rated , Erik/Charles, Doctor Who crossover)
- altezio01 wrote "Our Twisted Love Story" and "Heat". (Rated NC-17, Thor/Loki, Fandral/Loki, OMC/Loki)
- ascoolsuchasi wrote "New Trick". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik, Charles/Logan, Alex/Erik; past Erik/Magda, Erik/Raven)
- black_eyedgirl wrote "Granting Requests". (Rated NC-17, Coulson/Barton)
- swiftmint wrote "Tabula Rasa" Part 4. (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)
- black_betty_26 wrote "We Never Are What We Intend, Or Invent" Part 2. (Rated R, Charles/Erik)

- mithen wrote "Stranger in a Strange Land: Training" Part 3/7. (Rated PG-13, Clark/Bruce, Dick, Tim, Barbara)
- joshua_one wrote "The Unexpected Surprise", "The Aurora" and "The Drug". (Rated PG-13, Batman/Flash)
- silverspidertm2 wrote "The Changeling" Part 16. (Rated PG-13, Jason, Damian, Tim, Dick, and Bruce)
- me_ya_ri wrote "The Case of the Curiously (Not)Chaste Robin" Part 15. (Rated NC-17, Tim/various)
- darlinglileve wrote "As the World Falls Down" Part 3. (Rated R, Bane/John)
- me_ya_ri wrote "Baby Bat". (Rated G, Dick, Damian, Bruce)

- bethan_b_bad wrote "Umbrellas Under Clear Skies". (Rated PG, Sandman/NCIS crossover)

Drabbles and Ficlets
- ovestedinterest wrote "Memento". (Rated G, Erik/Charles)
- griffinmaxwell wrote "Choices". (Rated PG, Erik/Charles)
- iiluov wrote "War Is Kind". (Rated PG-13, Charles, Erik)
- metaallu wrote CapKink meme fills. (Rated PG-13, Steve/Tony)

- merfilly wrote "She Won't Listen". (Rated G, Sergeant Albrecht, The Crow)

Fan Media
- sevenseptembers posted "Flawed Design". (Loki fanvid)

- xover_exchange is a multi-fandom crossover fic exchange, now taking sign-ups - includes X-Men comics and X-Men First Class.
- wishlist_fic has started sign-ups for a gift ficathon for December.

- helpsomalia is a fandom auction finishing on Saturday October 8th - last chance to bid.

- partyhard posted Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes icons.
- boudica posted Avengers, Ms Marvel, Inhumans, Moon Knight and misc. Marvel and DC icons.
- thejupitermako posted Hawkgirl icons.
- rijsg posted DC and Top Cow icons.

- repmetsyrrah posted Lois/Clark scans from Superman #631.

If your post wasn't linked in today's comicstore_news, it may be because your header lacked information necessary for us to compile it. For fanfiction, we need a title, rating and either a pairing or character/s. For art, we require a rating and character/s. Check our user info for the kind of header we require.

Please leave a comment on this post with anything you'd like us to check out. To contact us regarding general comicstore_news questions or concerns or with information, please email comicstorenews@gmail.com.
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