lonelywalker posted
about the DVD and Bluray release of Cowboys and Aliens.
ontd_marvel posted
a Chris Evans interview.
ontd_marvel posted
a Tom Hiddleston interview.
alchemy_hisoka posted
preview pages from Stormwatch #2.
takmarierah drew
"You Were Told Never to Come Here". (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)
plainapple drew
"Dick Grayson B&W". (Rated G)
dreamlittleyo wrote
"Won't Be Held Down by Who I Used to Be". (Rated NC-17, Thor/Loki)
manaisabasterd wrote
"A Little Bit of Nostalgia" Part 2. (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)
pearl_o wrote
"let it out (you're doing all right)" - series of 3 stories so far. (Rated NC-17, Erik/Charles)
zombieboyband wrote
"Charles Xavier's Home for Wayward Canines". (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
dizzycalm wrote
"To Be Alone (With You)" Part 7. (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik)
citizenjess wrote
"One Step Forward, Two Steps Back". (Rated PG, Pietro, Erik/Charles)
citizenjess wrote
"Rise Up to Rule". (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik, Shaw)
moonshape wrote
"The Telepath and the Metal-Bender". (Rated R, Erik/Charles, Charles/Moira, Erik/Raven)
alaceron wrote
"Conspiracy of Kisses". (Rated G, Erik/Charles)
hariboo_smirks wrote
"the salt skin". (Rated R, Sif/Loki)
regann wrote
"An Earlier Heaven" Part 1. (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)
mechelune wrote
"Two of a Kind" Part 6/11. (Rated PG-13, Sif/Loki, Frigg, Thor, Warriors Three)
zimothy wrote
"Let Hope Burn in Your Eyes" Part 1. (Rated PG-13, Charles, Erik)
thistlerose wrote
"A Day at the Beach". (Rated PG-13, Havok/Darwin)
weightedpass wrote
"Eggshell". (Rated PG-13, Charles/Moira, Charles/Erik)
xinaini wrote
"miles from what we would miss". (Rated PG-13, Erik/Charles)
blakefancier wrote
"Landslide". (Rated R, Steve Rogers/Howard Stark, Tony Stark)
emilys_knickers wrote
"Remnants and Fragments". (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
braving_it wrote
"What Makes You Think I’m Enjoying Being Led to the Flood?" Part 1. (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
acidqueen31 wrote
"Space Monkeys". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik)
ancarett wrote
"Rowing in Eden". (Rated PG-13, Thor/Jane)
putigress2012 wrote
"A Bit of Practice". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik)
monstrousreg wrote
"A Good Man (Does Not) Go To War". (Rated , Erik/Charles, Doctor Who crossover)
altezio01 wrote
"Our Twisted Love Story" and "Heat". (Rated NC-17, Thor/Loki, Fandral/Loki, OMC/Loki)
ascoolsuchasi wrote
"New Trick". (Rated NC-17, Charles/Erik, Charles/Logan, Alex/Erik; past Erik/Magda, Erik/Raven)
black_eyedgirl wrote
"Granting Requests". (Rated NC-17, Coulson/Barton)
swiftmint wrote
"Tabula Rasa" Part 4. (Rated PG-13, Charles/Erik)
black_betty_26 wrote
"We Never Are What We Intend, Or Invent" Part 2. (Rated R, Charles/Erik)
mithen wrote
"Stranger in a Strange Land: Training" Part 3/7. (Rated PG-13, Clark/Bruce, Dick, Tim, Barbara)
joshua_one wrote
"The Unexpected Surprise", "The Aurora" and "The Drug". (Rated PG-13, Batman/Flash)
silverspidertm2 wrote
"The Changeling" Part 16. (Rated PG-13, Jason, Damian, Tim, Dick, and Bruce)
me_ya_ri wrote
"The Case of the Curiously (Not)Chaste Robin" Part 15. (Rated NC-17, Tim/various)
darlinglileve wrote
"As the World Falls Down" Part 3. (Rated R, Bane/John)
me_ya_ri wrote
"Baby Bat". (Rated G, Dick, Damian, Bruce)
bethan_b_bad wrote
"Umbrellas Under Clear Skies". (Rated PG, Sandman/NCIS crossover)
Drabbles and Ficlets
ovestedinterest wrote
"Memento". (Rated G, Erik/Charles)
griffinmaxwell wrote
"Choices". (Rated PG, Erik/Charles)
iiluov wrote
"War Is Kind". (Rated PG-13, Charles, Erik)
metaallu wrote
CapKink meme fills. (Rated PG-13, Steve/Tony)
merfilly wrote
"She Won't Listen". (Rated G, Sergeant Albrecht, The Crow)
Fan Media
sevenseptembers posted
"Flawed Design". (Loki fanvid)
xover_exchange is
a multi-fandom crossover fic exchange, now taking sign-ups - includes X-Men comics and X-Men First Class.
wishlist_fic has
started sign-ups for a gift ficathon for December.
helpsomalia is
a fandom auction finishing on Saturday October 8th - last chance to bid.
partyhard posted
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes icons.
boudica posted
Avengers, Ms Marvel, Inhumans, Moon Knight and misc. Marvel and DC icons.
thejupitermako posted
Hawkgirl icons.
rijsg posted
DC and Top Cow icons.
repmetsyrrah posted
Lois/Clark scans from Superman #631.
If your post wasn't linked in today's
comicstore_news, it may be because your header lacked information necessary for us to compile it. For fanfiction, we need a title, rating and either a pairing or character/s. For art, we require a rating and character/s. Check our
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Please leave a comment on this post with anything you'd like us to check out. To contact us regarding general
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