Thanks to
katarik--as usual, I translated the text from german to english and she did the proofreading *hugs* :).
This was part of an e-mail conversation with
tangentialone--hence, the "You said..."-quote at the beginning of the text.
Some musings on what makes John Constantine appealing to me, what I think describes the core of the character, and why I'm having issues with Brian Azzarello's characterization. )
That's it. I have to get my hands on some of these now.
Which Hellblazer trades would you recommend?
(I have read the Books Of Magic, and some Sandman John.)
But I'd recommend Rare Cuts as well as Setting Sun, both collect various single issues.
Rare Cuts is a bit hit-and-miss and the art is mostly average at best because, well, back then it wasn't all shiny and technicolor. But three of the stories deal with important events in John's past (the incident at Newscastle, his childhood and why Chas feels so obliged to him).
99% of the Jenkins run I'm so fond of has NOT been collected in trades, though.
Setting Sun has some beautiful art and is very entertaining, which is why I'd recommend it, but it's not deep on a character development level or something.
I wish I'd remember the older ones better... sorry. But I think this site could be valuable to get some more information. Imho it's the best Hellblazer site on the 'net.
Thanks for stopping by :) Always nice to meet new people.
I love these meta-type communities, all these thinky brains in one easy to reach place and new people to meet. =D
Me too! Yay for the meta! (It is one of the reasons that are keeping me strongly attached to fandom, actually.)
You already know metafandom, I suppose?
P.S.: Eeeee bat-southpark! :)
He he, I'm a bit addicted to smooshing characters with other references =D
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