Aug 09, 2015 23:59

The challenge this time is to compare your favourite comic book characters with characters throghout mythology. You can also take the easy way and icon the characters that are the actual mythological gods or creatures (e.g. Ares, Thor or Loki).
Please let us know what mythological character you are comparing your character too :)
Also for the remaining vacation time (the end of September), the challenges will last 2 weeks.

Anna Marie as Persephone / Liza as Idun / Clint Barton as Cupid / Matt Murdock as Themis

afeastforme | danseur_lion | pointblankdarcy | watching_ghosts

★ You can make up to 4 icons
★ You can use any comic related movies and tv shows screencaps. Also comic book pages or graphics from all publishing companies.
★ Post your icon and the icon url in a new post to the community
★ Tag you entrie with your usename
★ Your icons must conform to LJ standards (100x100, 40 KB)
★ Remember icons must be made by you, and exclusively for this challenge!
★ All effects are allowed (as long as it fits the current challenge's theme)
★ Icons are due Sunday, August 23rd by 9pm (GMT+2) [Countdown]
★ If you have some question, just ask!

!challenge: 079, !challenge post

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