Wow. So January is almost over, and I haven't posted here since the year began. Probably because I haven't been doing as much art as I should. I feel like I'm neglecting my blog if I don't update at least once a month (and I should be updating more) . Wasted Minds fell by the wayside again, but I should be updating again in a couple weeks (I'm going to be in Florida this coming week, so hopefully the week after). Anyway, here's the latest thing I've been working on:
For some reason, I though doing a story on a subway would be an awesome idea. I don't even want to talk about how long it took me to draw the first panel. >_< The whole comic is 13 panels, and only 3 of them don't have backgrounds. I'm a masochist, I think.
Speaking of masochism, I'm working on Prince of Speedlines Tennis, and I really don't get why that comic is popular. I guess it's good for me, since I'll have steady work for a while to come ( I think it's up to Vol. 37 or 38 and still going).