Things on the internet that make me giggle

Jan 15, 2010 22:59

 I often find myself very bored and unwilling to do anything useful. I'm sure that this used to happen to people all the time and that is why God created the internet. As I'm sure you know, the internet has everything. Just ask Timmy Turner.

Am I the only one that watched that show?

Anyways, when your boredom sets in, feel free to visit any one of these wacky websites. I guaruntee that you will not have to engage your brain in order to get some giggles out of these websites. So, onto the mindless entertainment

Cakewrecks is pretty much what it sounds like. These are proffesional cakes that will give you nightmares. My personal favourite explains how a baby is just a flower that came out of your vagina.

On the subject of food, you can find many great dinner ideas at This is why you're fat.  Most of them seem to involve putting bacon on something that was already going to clog your arteries and then wrapping it in more bacon.

I'm sure the People of Walmart probably get most of their recipes from that website. This website is mostly fat people in clothes they really shouldn't be wearing. You've been warned.

Texts from last night is exactly what it sounds like, People having bad ideas, texting their friends about it, and then their friends share it with the world.

Fmylife will also make you feel better about yourself. This time, it's someone has a bad idea and then they just skip straight to posting it on the internet themselves.

My life is twilight is basically the same thing, except it's girls who are whining about how they can't find a boyfriend because there aren't any sparkly vampires at their middle school.

Best of Craigslist also abounds with stupidity. Craigslist on its own is full of giggles, it only get better when they compile all of the best ones onto one website. Try searching for super mario, dead bird, how to tell your friend his cat is dead, or pink crotchless panda suit. The fact that the last one even gets a result is all the comment this website needs.

Konami Code requires a bit more effort on your part. It's a list of websites where you can type in the konami code and magical things happen.  Mostly it's just fun typing in the code over and over again. Sort of mesmerizing. One site relishes its geekieness and plays the entire scene that brought the world, "All your base are belong to us" and Cornify will fill your daily need for unicorns and rainbows and sparkles. Some have games

Awkward Family Photos will make you feel so much better about your own relatives/baby pictures.

Awkward Boners is totally the same thing except for not really.

And on the theme of more strange photos, we have This is Photobomb, in which a random person in the background suddenly becomes the object of focus.

Wedinator continues the theme, but with wedding photos.

The opposite of that site, would be It was over when... in which random individuals share with you the exact moment they figured out this relationship wasn't working.

And I should probably end this now because I need to go to bed and these websites are very distracting, good night. If you have more to contribute, please share them with me.

internet lolz

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