Well At Least He Tried

Mar 22, 2013 15:47

Title: Well At Least He Tried
Fandom: X-Men
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Wolverine/Storm
Rating: G
Word count: 500
Warnings: None
Challenge: #27 - Pizza

The man known as Wolverine had many things he was good at. He could slice a man in two before the man even knew he was there. He could survive explosions that would kill a normal person. He would be there, strong and making snarky comments, even when everybody else had their heads up their asses with their own feelings and were unable to function.

Cooking was never one of the things he was good at. Somehow between the cage fights and dodging everyone and their brother trying to kill him he had never had the time to learn how to cook. Directions were easy enough to follow, but he always would find a way to customize things. Sometimes the dish would take too long and shortcuts would have to be made, that's how he burned a cake to a nice hockey puck when he tried to impress a girl in his younger years. Sometimes he would try to spice things up too much; he swore the girl almost breathed fire when he tried to make spicy sauce. Always a new mistake.

And here he was yet again trying to make something to impress a woman.

Storm wasn't exactly the type of woman he was used to wooing. He was used to more salt of the earth girls, girls he could take to a bar and take some shots with. He liked the girls next door, the ones who seemed sweet but could still kick your ass. Ororo was regal, god-damned royalty. She had brains and enough power to knock out a city block. Women like that you couldn't just take out for cheap food and call it a night. You had to put some refined effort into things to keep up.

He wasn't even sure why he felt like he had to impress her now. This was the same woman who had dragged him bleeding from burning buildings. The same woman that saw him as he got pissed off at Scott for the upteenth time and still was willing to put up with him. The same woman who met him when he had next to nothing and was running all the time.

Dates were funny things, changed things, he guessed.

He growled at the stove- top and the smoking pile of seasonings the fish had become. "Why don't we just get a pizza?" He suggested seriously surveying his latest creation.

Ororo smiled and laughed a little, "Always the romantic I see, Logan." She reached over him with a fork and put a small bit of the fish in her mouth. She chewed it for a bit before grimacing, "Actually you may be onto something with that idea."

He turned off the heat under the fish and turned around to get his leather jacket. He smirked, "Think you can still ride on the back of my bike in that dress?"

She smiled, "I could ride a hurricane in this dress if I needed to."

"That's something I'd like to see."

fandom: x-men (movie), fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), character: ororo munroe, character: logan/wolverine, challenge 027, fandom: marvel cinematic universe

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