Title: The Next Twenty Years
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Smallville
Characters/Pairing: Clex!
Rating: G
Challenge: #24: Tights
Word Count: Cut down to 500
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
It was just a routine trip through the city during which Superman heard a familiar, sexy voice shouting words that nearly made him fall out of the afternoon sky. "WHY DON'T YOU COME OUT OF THOSE TIGHTS AND JOIN ME?"
Clark's heartbeat sped faster than Superman could fly. He breathed a tremulous sigh of relief as he determined that no one was close enough to hear his lover's shout despite his use of his megaphone to demand Clark's attention. Now, he had that desired attention fully, though it was shaken by fear and shock, and Clark sped to join him.
He landed before him, gasping, "You knew!"
Lex grinned. "Yes."
"But -- But why didn't you tell me?!"
"I am Superman's greatest enemy or, at least, I was until today," Lex amended, holding up a stack of papers. "I don't think the world's greatest hero can find a single thing in these articles about which to complain."
He handed the paperwork over to Superman, but it was Clark's big, blue eyes that looked from the tall stack of papers, to his love, back again to his papers, and once more to the man with whom he had spent nearly even happy moment for the last two decades. "Go ahead. Read them."
Clark read them, swiftly, six times before looking back to his love. There was legislation to help the nation's poor, the world's hungry, and endangered species. There was legislation to enforce the law, aid the Justice League of America in their attempts to help humanity, ban weaponry that no civilian should possess, though Clark knew Lex had many of those weapons in his own armory, and assist the farmers, especially those in Kansas. There was legislation to protect forests, stop drilling in Antarctica, and, Clark's favorite that sent his heart bursting with pride though he knew it would never be passed, legalize gay marriage across the nation.
He sighed happily, smiling from ear to ear. "I almost wish you had won the presidency."
"I've always wanted to rule the world, Clark, in order to protect it, but as of now, I'm giving up that dream. If I can do it legally, I will, but it's more important to me by far that we have another twenty years together."
"You remembered. You've been in meetings all week, and you still remembered today is our anniversary!"
"Of course! You're more important to me than anything else, Clark! You're the reason I want to protect the world -- so I can protect you! But I choose you over everything!" Lex pulled Clark in close for a deep, sweet kiss; Clark melted happily and freely into Lex's kiss while returning his kiss with full passion and eternal love. They would have another twenty years together and another after that and, if he had anything to say or do about it, another still for all eternity, but he knew, too, that each year, each day, each night, spent loving the man he loved would forever be better!
The End