No Two Alike, DCU, PG-13

Feb 08, 2013 22:10

And another one; the one I've actually been wanting to write for this prompt. :does little happy dance:

Title: No Two Alike
Fandom: DCAU
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 356
Warnings: None
Challenge: #21 - Snow

There might be a vision more spectacular than that of Superman descending through a swirl of snowflakes. Offhand, Batman can’t think of one.

“Quiet night?” Clark joins him in the shadows of the rooftop where Bruce looks out over the city.

“One museum break-in, two attempted convenience store robberies, vandalizing an ATM, and Penguin was caught red-handed fencing stolen goods.”

Clark nods. “So-a quiet night.”

Bruce smiles. “For Gotham.” His breath fogs the air as he moves closer to the edge, wanting a longer at his city, so quiet and still as snow drifted down over it. This was only a lull, of course, and when it passed a fresh storm of violent chaos would break over the city. Still…it was peaceful like this, with the lights of the city glimmering through the veil of falling snow and he can enjoy it for this one moment, no matter how ephemeral. “It’s beautiful,” he murmurs.

“Yes, it is,” Clark says. There’s something husky in his voice that makes Bruce suspect Clark doesn’t mean the city. The broad hand that reaches over to touch his cowl would seem to confirm that. It’s crazy, of course, but as Clark’s fingers stroke along the cowl’s pointy ears, Bruce would swear he feels that touch like a sensual caress that tingles through his body.

He will never confess it out loud, but as he turns to face Clark, the snow drifting down around them, he thinks of how he’s always wanted to kiss him in the snow. He tastes the flakes as they land on his lips and closes his eyes as that cold touch is replaced with warmth.

“Do you think it’s true that no two snowflakes are ever alike?” Clarks asks as he enfolds Bruce in his cape.

“I know something that’s different every time,” Bruce says and draws him back for another kiss. The roof disappears from under his feet but he feels no alarm and only presses himself closer to Clark as they take to the air.

They kiss through the snow all the way to the Manor and it never feels the same way twice.

fandom: dc animated universe, challenge 021, character: clark kent, character: bruce wayne

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