Title: Sympathy
Author: Ryu19
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing: Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown
Rating: T
Challenge: Desperate Times Challenge 20
Retired, Cassandra had to remind her tired brain at three in the morning in the dim glow of the nearest gas station from her apartment. Harley Quinn is retired, not a threat. Her father had told her so, had shown her the proof, the pictures of her and Ivy living together in suburbia, a new last name, a new life with the Joker dead.
But now the only question was why was she here at this gas station?
Duty had called Cassandra here, duty and responsibility and love along with a burning desire not to see what her wife would do to her if she didn't return with the triple chili hotdogs and peanut butter ice cream she asked for not fifteen minutes ago.
So why was Harley Quinn, of all people, here?
But then she spotted it in the twinge of her face, the slight relief of her lower back muscles as the blond grabbed some black licorice, five packets of beef jerky, and a carton of bubblegum ice cream.
"The missus commands, I obey," Harley said with a chuckle, the bored teen at the cashier station just nodding along and taking her money.
"I understand," Cassandra speaks up, Steph's requested food in her arms. The blond whirls around and smiles.
"Ain't life grand dealing with cravings and mood swings and foot rubs and the whole she-bang?"
"Yup! Still I guess you can't help who ya fall in love with, right?"
"I'm Harley."
"Cassandra. How far along is your wife?"
"Seven months. What about yours?"
"Yeesh, any tips on the next couple weeks?"
"Patience and a lot of groveling."
"I'll keep that in mind. Better get going though. Wifey just might gobble me up if I don't hurry!"
Cassandra nods and pays for the items, thoughts of Harley and Ivy raising a child running through her mind and staying there until she enters the door to her home.
Stephanie's awake and expectant, rubbing her stomach and Cassandra can just make out their daughter's kicks against the wall of her stomach.
Handing over the food, Cassandra basks in the feeling of her family in her arms until she notices her wife glaring at her.
"Where's the gummy worms?"
"Be right back," Cassandra said with her best Bruce Wayne-taught playboy forgive me smirk on her face.
She hoped Harley had gotten everything Ivy was currently craving as she sped back towards the gas station, going over Stephanie's request again as she did so.