A Sign of Spring

Oct 17, 2012 14:56

Title: A Sign of Spring
Fandom: Batman: The Animated Series
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Wee!Dick
Rating: G
Word count: 394
Warnings: None
Challenge: #014 - "Cold"

Note: Inspiration for this is the B:TAS 2-parter, "Robin's Recknoning," and the sight of wee!Dick left by himself in that cavernous bedroom. Also, while Dick knows that Bruce is Batman here, he hasn't yet become Robin.

“Sir.” Alfred quietly drew Master Bruce’s attention to the small figure that crept down the steps to the Cave. Still in cape and cowl, Bruce nodded and cleared the screen of the most gruesome details of the Joker’s latest crime spree before young Master Dick arrived and clambered up to make himself comfortable on Bruce’s lap.

“Too cold in your bedroom again?”

“Uh-huh. Is that supposed to be a clown?”

“That’s how he styles himself, yes.”

Neck craned, Dick peered more closely at the image on the screen. “I don’t think Mr. Haley would hire him.”

“I don’t think he would, either.”

This had become a familiar pattern, Alfred thought as he resumed tidying up. Master Dick would be put to bed in his quite comfortably warm bed only to shortly thereafter turn up in the kitchen or library, or down here in the Cave, with the claim that he couldn’t sleep because it was freezing upstairs. Master Bruce, after he had searched in vain for a draft, had lately turned his investigations in another area-after a subtle nudge or two from Alfred.

“You know, I’ve been thinking,” Bruce said now, “that it’s been awhile since we’ve moved the furniture around and changed out the curtains around here. What do you think about starting with your room?”

“Yeah?” There was a strong note of excitement in the young voice. “Maybe some paint and stuff, too?”

“We can do paint, wallpaper, some new carpet. Do you think a new bed might be warmer?”

“Maybe, if it was a little smaller.”

“So you’d be up for a shopping expedition tomorrow?”

“Will you come along, too?” Dick asked, the tentative hope in his voice almost painful.

Thankfully Master Bruce heard it as well and swiftly reassured the boy. “Wouldn’t miss it for anything. Sound like a plan?”

As Dick agreed that it did, Alfred reflected that things looked to be rather hectic and lively around here in the very near future. He thoroughly approved. A bleak chill had pervaded the house for many years now and there had been moments Alfred feared it would never lift. Day by day, however, since the advent of Master Dick, glimmers of warm sunlight had begun to break through and disperse the wintry gloom.

It was good to remember what hope felt like and to anticipate the arrival of spring.

character: alfred pennyworth, character: dick grayson, challenge 014, character: bruce wayne, fandom: batman the animated series (tv)

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