Working Title: The Most Elusive Roses
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: X-Men
Pairing: Remy/Rogue (Did anybody else hear Hell freezing over? ;-) His role in X-23 really has made me like the Cajun at last!)
Rating: G
Challenge: #10: Insecurity
Date Written: 10 September, 2012
Word Count: 300
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Marvel comics and Disney, not the author.
"Keep yoah distance, Cajun."
Remy smiled as Rogue turned away from him at the control panel. "I ain't said nothin', chere."
"Ya didn't have ta. Yoah look said it all." She dared a glance at him. "Why do you want me, any way, Remy?" she asked softly.
His smile grew. "Looked in de mirror recently, chere? You're beautiful."
She scoffed and turned away again. "So's Ororo an' Jean an' Betts. What is it some kind o' insecurity that you've gotta go after th' one woman y'all know ya can't have?"
"Remy not insecure, petite. Ya know that, an' I can have any woman I want."
"No man'll evah have me."
"I'll change your mind."
She rolled her eyes but returned her focus to Wolverine, who was busting apart the training session until she threw in a Sabertooth-bot. He waited until she was completely absorbed in the others' training program to slip up behind her. She gasped softly as his hand splayed across her shoulders. She started to snatch away but hesitated when he began rubbing her through her clothes with the tenderest, most sensual touch her back had ever known.
"De elusive roses," Gambit whispered against her ear, "are always de most beautiful." She tingled from head to foot. She didn't know rather her excited shivers were more from his touch that was steadily crawling lower or his hot breath blowing into her ear. She did know, however, the answer she should give both was the same. She pushed him away. "Back off, Cajun. Remember you're next."
Remy continued grinning as he withdrew back into the shadows, willing to give his cherished rose time to cultivate. "I'll show ya how good I am, chere."
Still tingling, Rogue refused to look at him. Somehow, she'd no doubt he'd do just that!
The End