First Kiss

Jul 11, 2012 14:53

Title:  First Kiss?
Fandom: DC Comics (Young Justice)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Wally West/Dick Grayson
Rating: Pg
Word count: 440
Warnings: Cross-dressing, slash
Challenge: First

"You look nervous, KF. "

Kid Flash looked at Robin in the reflection of the Socialites ornate powder room mirror. He couldn't quite meet the crystal blue eyes reflected back.

"What? No, dude.  It's going to be your party. Literally."

He should be making fun of him, he knew. His bro crossdressing as a socialite's threatened daughter, several years younger, and being a dead ringer? Major ammunition. But he couldn't.

"Not bad, right?" Robin admired himself in the mirror. His auburn wig bouncing in loose curls down his back from where the elegant dark blue velvetine ribbon had been tied. It was a attractice illusion, his delicate face with large doe eyes and eye lashes he was batting along with the smirking  bee stung, berry stained lips.  The blue party party dress that floofed out over white stockings and shiny black buckled shoes completed the look all too nicely.

How could he not even be embaressed?

"This isn't your first time dressed up like this, is it?"

"Heh. You kidding? I love undercover stings. Being bait. The bad guys always look so stunned when I clock them." He shook his head in mock pity. "Tonight it's gonna be cake, spin the bottle, some thug trying to grab me, and us letting him have it. I say we're out of here in time for us to go grab a flick."

"What? Dressed like that?" Kid Flash felt his head spin and his face heat as Robin shrugged.

"Make-up's a bitch to remove. Besides you said I looked nice."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did. Just not with your mouth." Robin turned back to the mirror with a flirtatious wink and Wally had to look away at the implication that he had been caught staring.

"Troll." The cackle he got in response made him feel a little bit better.

Robin took a deep breath after the final inspection.

"Okay. Let's do this."

Wally hadn't meant to kiss him. Not like this. Not so soon. He just moved on his own. If he had been thinking he would have used his superspeed to retreat before the boy wonder even noticed the stolen kiss.

Now his lips were tinged pink and tasted like strawberry. And worse Robin was looking at him with those blue eyes.

"Not what I meant."

"Uh. You said spin the bottle. Didn't want your first kiss to be, uh, some weird kid."  He stammered as Robin ran his thumb across his hip to remove the lipstick.

"Hmmm...too late for that now." He murmered thoughtfully as he breezed out of the room.

"What? Wait! Rob? What's that supposed to mean?!"

character: dick grayson, character: wally west, challenge 001, author: mishagirl, fandom: young justice (tv)

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