Title: The Lethality Of Looks
Fandom: The Avengers (Movieverse)
Pairing: Natasha/Maria
Rating: PG
Word count: 390
Challenge: #006 Sharp
There’s just something about Maria’s eyes. Icy blue and yet burning with intelligence, with strength, with ferocity. With suspicion, because Maria never takes anything for granted and everybody and everything has to prove itself and its trustworthiness to her, no exceptions.
Natasha’s seen the way people avoid eye contact with Maria, the way they’ll look at anything - screens, paperwork, some vague space just beyond Maria’s shoulder - to keep from getting stared down by that steely gaze.
Fury’s never so much as blinked when those eyes turn on him. Maybe that’s one of the reasons Maria actually respects him.
It fascinates Natasha, in all honesty. She’s made her reputation, made a hundred different reputations depending on how she needs people to see her, by carefully watching others and reacting how she needs to react to put them in the mood she wants them in.
But Maria, she’s not like that at all. She’s upfront to the point where it intimidates lesser people, never trying to hide who she is or how her mind works.
Sometimes Natasha wonders if Maria knows just how exposed that leaves her.
She probably does, knowing Maria. Probably wears her personality that way on purpose, like a dare, just waiting for somebody to be stupid enough to challenge her on it so she can slam them down in their place.
When Maria’s eyes turn on her, it hits Natasha the same way, every time. Sharp as a blade, studying her, trying to strip away her defences, trying to see her, but Natasha won’t give Maria the satisfaction.
That would be too easy, and neither of them have ever had it easy in any aspect of their lives - they’re not about to start with each other.
And that’s the fun of it, the challenge. Natasha won’t flinch under Maria’s gaze, and Maria won’t break Natasha, no matter how hard she looks for the cracks.
It’s like a battle of wills, except they both acknowledged the stalemate years ago. But neither will back down, neither wants surrender from the other.
They want it just like this, Maria’s eyes narrowed and Natasha’s lips curved in a smirk.
And when they kiss, fingers rough and pulling at clothing, digging into flesh, leaving bright red marks to be worn like battle scars, it is always with their eyes open.