Mistletoe Stops (Smallville; CLex; PG-13/T; #142: Faster Than Light)

Dec 19, 2015 05:01

Title: Mistletoe Stops
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Smallville
Character/Pairing: CLex (Clark/Lex)
Rating: PG-13/T
Challenge/Prompt: ComicDrabbles #142: Faster Than Light
Warning(s): Future AU
Word Count: 500
Date Written: 19 December, 2015
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to DC Comics, not the author, and are used without permission.

They dart around the city, faster than light, unseen by the people celebrating the season in other ways. Some are caroling, some ice skating, some dancing to Christmas tunes or attending ballets. A few are even doing what they're doing, luxuriating in the traditional kisses of the period. Every one they pass, for a change, is happy.

Clark knows it won't last. Too soon, some disgruntled villain will decide that no one else deserves a happy holiday as he or she is not receiving one and will attack, forcing him to leave Lex to go save the world again. Lex also knows it won't last. There are board meetings tomorrow and meetings with the heads of other companies, and besides, Clark will have to leave to save the world again.

Each man also realizes there is a chance some one might see them. At one stop, Lex notes a little girl smiling in their direction and tugging on her mommy's sleeve. He prays Clark won't notice her, but it's still bothering him as they race to their next stop.

"Lex," Clark asks softly, "what's wrong, baby?"

"Nothing," Lex starts, but the look in Clark's blue eyes tells him he'd best not lie. "I think we might have been seen."

"So? Let the whole world see us, Lex. It's Christmas Eve; I don't care." The truth is that he saves them all so often that they shouldn't judge him. He knows they will, when they discover they're together, but tonight, he just can't care. He deserves this time with the man he loves, and he's going to take it.

Lex does care. He knows when the world finds out their hero is with him, and has been since the start, they'll turn against him. He doesn't want Clark to ever feel the hate he does on a daily basis. It would tarnish his heart; it might even destroy a part of his good nature. His optimism and high outlook on humanity will surely wane.

But Lex's face is cupped sweetly in Clark's hands, and it's hard to have negative thoughts when his boyfriend of years is kissing him long and deep. Lex returns the kiss in full, letting his thoughts melt away, his hands slipping over Clark's body as does his tongue over his. It's hard to care on a night like this, any way, when Clark's loving truly does make everything seem magical. It's funny. Lex hasn't believed in Santa Claus or most of the things that give people cause for celebrating throughout this season, but in Clark's arms, he can't help but to believe in magic.

Clark kisses him until he feels every bit of his tenseness drain out of his lover. When their lips part, Lex is smiling again. "Next mistletoe?" Clark whispers, grinning, and when he nods, carries them to their next stop. Lex is sure of only two things by the time Clark kisses him again: He loves Clark, and he doesn't care who knows it.

The End

challenge 142, author: katleept, character: clark kent, fandom: smallville, character: lex luthor

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