Legends of the Wolverine (X-Men; Jubes, Wolvy, Multi Wolvy Pairings; R/M; #141: TMI)

Dec 11, 2015 04:07

Title: Legends of the Wolverine
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Character/Pairing: Wolverine, Jubilee, mentions Wolverine/Storm, Wolverine/Jean, Wolverine/Rogue, and Wolverine/Gambit
Rating: Soft R/M
Challenge/Prompt: ComicDrabbles #141: TMI
Warning(s): Spoilers
Word Count: 442
Date Written: 11 December, 2015
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Marvel Comics and Disney, not the author, and are used without permission.

Perhaps now, more than ever before except for when they first came into each other's lives and she was still so young, Jubilee looks to Logan as being far more her father than merely adopted. They've always been two kindred spirits, each the better half of the other though not being romantically involved. There's a thousand plus tales she could tell to emphasis this feeling between them, starting with the moment she rescued him to the time he raced across the desert because he caught a whiff of her scent when he didn't even know she'd gone missing from school and after, but then, she's not the only one with tales of the great Wolverine.

Every one's got their own tales of the Wolverine. There are some she likes to hear over and over again, some she has to correct every time she's faced with them, and still others, like when the women who bedded him talk about hairy he was or how great a lover, she just wants to shout, "TMI!!", and tell them to shut up. Of course, her Wolveroonie was the greatest in bed, just like he was always the best at everything he did. Their relationship never went that way, but she's heard more than enough from th women who did have him to know that he was the best in that field, too.

Lightning bolts used to tear up the sky every time he and Ororo were together. He did more than tame the Windrider; he unleashed her. She'd heard Jean, more than once, admit to accidentally levitating herself just thinking about him and the kisses they shared. Rogue still believes he would never have broken her heart if they'd been together; he was a far better man than Remy, no matter how hard he tries, will ever be. And she's seen the way the Cajun looks while the others discuss Wolverine in bed. She's seen that sly, knowing smile cross his lips, his red eyes gleaming, as he lights a cigarette in what she fully believes is memory.

Wolverine has a list of lovers that goes across the globe. He really did have a girl, or guy, in every port, and although some have complaints, the only complaint she's ever really heard is that their relationship ended. And how hairy he was, hairier than the Beast, some claim, which always grosses her out and makes her want to shout, "TMI!!", but still, she thinks, sniffing and clinging to his cowboy hat, she'd do anything to hear them talk about her Wolvy again as though he's still alive and not just the greatest memory of their lives.

The End

challenge 141, author: katleept, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), character: logan/wolverine, character: jubilee

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