The Recruit (Batman)

Feb 23, 2015 18:32

Title: The Recruit
Fandom: Batman (No specific incarnation)
Character(s): The Joker.
Rating: R
Word count: 500
Warnings: Violence
Challenge: #109 Night Shift

The mask really itched.

And it was hot. The eye holes really cut off his peripheral vision, which was completely useless for guard duty.

But the boss had promised a lot of money. With a night shift bonus. "If you survive!" the boss had cackled. His boys had all laughed too.

Alone in the dark in an old empty car factory Mick clutched the AK-47 he'd been provided with.

The boss was a bad guy, he was infamous in Gotham. But Mick didn't have much of a choice. His job had been moved to China and no one wanted a forty-five year old factory worker who didn't have any other experience.

The money from tonight would cover his rent for four months. Just for standing around keeping watch.

He looked to the right where beyond some dormant equipment another guard was standing. Mick waved. The other guard gave him the finger.

Mick sighed and turned away. He checked his gun for the millionth time. The safety was off. He hoped he wouldn’t have to use it.He'd never shot at anything living before.

Somewhere in the factory something metal clunked. He turned to the sound. All quiet.

Jeez Louise the mask itched.

Another sound. He looked over at the guard that had just flipped him off.

He was gone.

Mick's grip on his weapon tightened, trigger finger ready. He watched, his heart quickening, his breathing suddenly too loud. He strained to listen. The guy had probably just stepped out of view.

It couldn't be the cops. The cops were noisy; all flashing lights and flash-bangs and yelling for everyone to freeze.

It might be Batman.

The boss had tangled with Batman often and publicly. That was a risk. Mick had no desire to meet that demon in the darkness.

Sweating and shaking Mick didn't know what to do. Should he call out? Investigate? Stay put? Should he find an escape route?

The boss probably wouldn't take too kindly to him running...


Mick jumped and spun around. The gun rattled loudly, a burst that echoed through the factory.

Mick didn't notice that no bullets pelted the concrete floor. He didn't know the magazine was loaded with blanks.

As he turned he stumbled and landed on his ass with a grunt. He looked up in terror at the man who had snuck up on him.

It wasn't Batman.

It was Joker.

"What kind of pathetic guard are you?" Joker's high sing-song voice chilled Mick to the core.

Mick tried to answer but no words came.

"If I was batsy you'd be done by now," Joker put his hands on his hips. "Nevermind, plenty more morons out there." Joker pulled out a big silver revolver from the waist of his trousers.

"Wait, no, no!"

Joker shot him in the head. The bullet punched through the clown mask Mick was wearing and blew out the back of his head in an eruption of red and grey.

"Oh Harley!" Joker yelled. "Recruitment time again!"

character: joker, fandom: batman nolan movieverse, challenge 109, fandom: batman the animated series (tv)

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