A Constant Battle

Jan 19, 2015 13:30

Title: A Constant Battle
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: The Avengers
Pairing: Bruce/Tony
Word Count:500
Challenge: Walk the Line
Summary: A brief look inside of Bruce's head during his time with Tony

Bruce knew that he always walked the line when it came to his dating relationship with Tony, if you could call what they were doing dating. Things with Mr. Stark were never exactly cut and dry or perfectly defined - it was more like you stumbled into him for a bit and he would choose to stick around for a while, but they had been doing that for so long that they were dating in everything but name. He preferred it that way; he doubted that he could do something heavy or well defined. The Other Guy wouldn't like that.

He tried to value those moments when Tony's lips were upon his neck, softly kissing it and getting lost in the sensation. It was one of the few moments that he could allow himself to just feel human. He would run his hands over Tony’s chest and take wordless solace in the solid presence of another body against his own. Bruce would wrap his arms around the other man, admiring the way that Tony's muscles looked in the glow of the arc reactor, and try to forget that they were always walking a dangerous path that could destroy them both. When Tony was with him a lot of those doubts disappeared. His mind would go quiet and for a brief moment he could forget that he lived on the razor’s edge. He was just Bruce in Tony’s arms.
Then, out of nowhere, he would feel the rage rising up from his chest- no doubt feeding off of his fear of hurting Tony. He could see his skin begin to shift and ripple in the soft white glow. Fear and anger would take over and he would tell Tony to stop, the terror apparent in his voice. Tony would give a sigh and stop, but Bruce could see the annoyance on his face behind all of the reassurances and not wanting to get torn to bits. They pick it up again, but a lot of the momentum of the moment would be lost in the breaks that they had to take to make sure that both of them would be safe and still in one piece by the end of everything.
In those moments he hated the monster more than anything else in the world. It robbed him of being human even in the most intimate times. It wouldn’t let him forget what he could be. The same force that had saved countless lives would take a special pleasure in depriving him of ever actually living his own. He could feel the Other Guy in the back of his head laughing as he was with Tony, mocking him for attempting to try something normal as if he would ever be able to do what other people did without a lot of forethought and worry. It was delusional of him to think he could ever be in a healthy relationship, but something in those brief quiet moments made him want to try.

fandom: the avengers (movie), character: tony stark, challenge 104, author: i_llbedammned, character: bruce banner

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