Winging Into the New Year (Bats/Cats, Alfred; PG/K+; #102: Against the Clock)

Jan 02, 2015 00:16

Working Title: Winging Into the New Year
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Batman
Character/Pairing: Batman/Catwoman, Alfred
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge: #102: Against the Clock
Warning(s): Future AU
Word Count: 721
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to DC comics, not the author, and are used without permission.

He stands between them and the outside world, waiting with patience that, even despite his many years spent in servitude to the cause, is barely kept. His old eyes keenly watch the monitor screens, and he glances every now and again to the clock in the bottom corner. Somehow, tonight, he feels ever older with each passing second.

The cave behind him is almost silent, but he hears every minuet sound. He hears Selina's gentle breathing and the mewing of her kittens. He hears the dripping of water off of a stalactite deep within the cage and the shifting of the bats. Even they are restless this night, and he wonders, fleeting, if they are picking the emotions up off of them. The oldest cat winds between his legs, reminding Alfred that not only do animals sense the emotions of the humans around them; they also never fail to try to cheer them, despite their own problems and worries.

Alfred doesn't shy the cat away tonight. His brow furrows as he looks again at the computer screen. Three seconds is all they have left. He starts to reach down to the pet the cat as he tries to determine what words to reassure her mistress this night. Felines and humans both look up at the sound of screeching tires. The cats do not run; instead, they turn as one and watch with solemn eyes as the master of the cave finally steps out.

He rushes straight to their mistress' side, and Alfred turns his back on the clock as it flicks to 11:59 with a smile. Bruce's lips touch Selina's; he pulls her tight against him as the fireworks in the city explode into the night sky. He kisses her long and deep, his tongue wrapping around hers in perfect unison, and for one minute on that night, time stands still.

They all wish it could be that way forever, but far too soon, Batman releases his wife and turns, his gloved hands quickly caressing the top of each furry, little head as he turns to his oldest friend. "Alfred." On this night alone, he hugs him, but his eyes, as so oft they do, speak a volume of unspoken thanks.

"Master Bruce, I'm . . . I am glad you made it home."

Bruce's smile seems to answer for him as he releases him. Me too, Alfred. Me, too. Again, he's caressing Selina, hugging her and kissing her, before swooping back to the Batmobile's open door. "Breakfast at the usual time, sir?"

"Make it an hour later, Alfred. The city's crazy tonight."

"Isn't it every night?" Selina whispers to which her babies mew.

There's a touch of remorse to Alfred's smile, as well, as he watches the Batmobile speed away. "Happy New Year, Master Bruce," and in that moment, he makes both the same resolution and the same wish he'd made every year since the boy he raised became a man. He resolves to make certain Master Bruce has more time with his family in the coming year, and he wishes for at least one night where they don't have to race against the clock.

He looks to Selina, who even now is beginning to make her way to the elevator to return above ground. "He'll be home in the morning."

"I know," she assures him with a smile. She understands his life, and although she can't always fight his battles with him, she no longer begrudges the role of protector he plays for the entire city. "Warm Rocket's bottle, will you, Alfred?"

"Of course, Missus Wayne."

Her smile grows at the name. "He'll always come back to us, Alfred."

Until he no longer can, they both understand, and when that time comes, when at last he fails in the battle against the clock, if, for any reason, they can not pick up the pieces, they will join him wherever he lays. But for now, as he wings his way into the city, taking both their hearts with him, their shared prayer wings its way into the new year for his safe return to them not just in time for a celebration, not just in the morning, but every time he ever parts from them.

"Happy New Year, Missus Wayne."

"Happy New Year, Alfred."

They smile at each other and live for the morning.

The End

character: alfred pennyworth, author: katleept, fandom: dcu (main continuity), challenge 102, character: bruce wayne, character: selina kyle

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