
Oct 01, 2014 17:41

Title: Severance
Fandom: X-men
Characters: Pietro Maximoff/Wanda Maximoff
Warning: Discussions of Death
Word Count:500
Summary: Wanda and Pietro never knew their mother. Now years later they find out she is dead and try to figure out how to cope
Prompt: 045, a death in the family

The call came at six PM as Pietro Maximoff was finishing his dinner, the sounds of David Bowie signaling the call on his cell phone. He picked up quickly and was barely able to make out the voice of his sister over the sounds of the static.

"Pietro, she's dead." Wanda's voice sounded.

He paused briefly while he scanned his thoughts for who could have died and came up with nothing, "Who died?"

"Our mother."

His heart skipped a beat before he coldly replied, "And why are you telling me?"

"I-I just thought you should know." Her voice cracked and he could hear tears about to break through. If she started getting upset it would be very bad for both her and for the world around her, the last time that she had thought he was dead she had rent a canyon through a major city.

He took a deep breath in, suppressing the wave of anger that rose up. Who the hell cared if his mother died, it wasn't like she did anything for him other than give birth to him? She had never once called or attempted to contact him, despite the fact that he had never been subtle with his identity and the media had his face flashed over several magazines when he would sit still long enough for them to snap his picture. She didn't care that he lived, so why should he care if she died?

"Shhhh, it will be okay Wanda." he said, his voice softening, "I'm glad you told me."

"There were so many things I wanted to say to her. Now I'll never get to." He knew she was crying now and his pulse raced a little.

"Well why don't you say them to me?" He asked quickly.

"You wouldn't care. You just said so."

"For you, Wanda, I always care. Not for that woman, but because it matters to you."

There was a pause while she thought and he considered trying to run to her, but he had no clue where she was. If he went off running blind it would be just as dangerous as letting her rampage around the city.

"Now I don't know where to begin!" she exclaimed and he laughed a little only because that was the simplest and most accurate statement that could have been said about the situation. "Are you laughing at me?"

"No, just at the situation."

"I knew this was ridiculous!" She practically yelled, "I have to go!"

"Please don't hang up!" he cried out, a little more upset than he meant to sound. He could feel something within him on the verge of breaking, but he held back. "Just keep talking Wanda." his voice rang out defeated.

Upon hearing his voice her own voice softened. "It's just- how do you sum up all these missing years?"

Pietro leaned against the wall and slid to the ground of the small apartment where he lived. "You don't. No one ever really does with death."

fandom: x-men (movie), character: pietro maximoff, challenge 045, bonus round, author: i_llbedammned

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