Working Title: Shreds and Laughter
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Character/Pairing: Wolverine, OCs
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge: #89: Hawaiian Shirt
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters within belong to Marvel comics and Disney, not the author, and are used without permission.
"The lady said, 'NO ID, no beer,' whelp."
"What's it to you, . . . " The teenager turned around, and his next word left him in a squeak. " . . . Pops?" He grimaced before the old man who was considerably shorter than he could even respond to the term. "I mean, hum . . . "
"Let's just say yer holdin' me up, junior," the angry Wolverine responded, a six pack dangling from each set of his deadly claws. "Maybe I got a world to save."
"Y-Yes, sir. Wh-Whatever you say."
"Now apologize to the lady, get your damn candy, and get outta my way."
"Yes, sir. Sorry, ma'am." The teen grabbed the rest of his purchase, tossed a bill onto the counter, and scampered away without waiting for his change.
The petite woman smiled at Logan. "Thank you."
"Eh. Nothin' to it. I can't stand a punk botherin' a woman. 'Sides, I worked in a place like this one day."
"Just one day?"
"What happened, if I can ask?"
Logan smirked while paying for his purchase. "All that was left o' th' first tourist was a shred of his Hawaiian shirt." He left the cashier smiling for the rest of the day.
The End