No Fury Like Theirs (X-Men; Multiple; PG/K+; #88: K.O.)

Aug 25, 2014 22:19

Working Title: No Fury Like Theirs
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Character/Pairing: RoLo (Wolverine/Storm), Iceman, Scott/Jean, Chamber/Husk, Beast (hinted Beast/Brand)
Rating: PG/K+ for language
Challenge: #88: K.O.
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 415
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Marvel comics, not the author, and are used without permission.

"And she hit him with a one and a two, and he was totally k.o.ed!" Bobby exclaimed, barely refraining from sniggering. His brown eyes darted around the hallway. It wouldn't due for his team mate to overhear him now. The short man wasn't known for his tolerance, and he did not want to end up on the wrong side of his claws.

Storm hit Wolverine?

"She probably threw something at him. Women can be quite adept at striking men with various household items when provoked."

"Tell me about it," Scott said, gingerly rubbing a scar from the previous Saturday night on his temple. At the younger mutant's inquiring look, he explained, "High heels." The teenager grimaced.

"But she didn't hit him with just anything," Bobby picked up his joke. "She struck him with lightning!"

WHAT?! Whoa! She must've really been pissed!

"You bet, but that's what he gets for messing around in Chinatown when he was supposed to be meeting her for their anniversary dinner."

"Is it?"

"What other guy do you know who's stupid enough to piss off the Weather Goddess?"

"Probably some lame ice cube ass who's about to find out what happens when you piss off the Weather Goddess' partner."

Bobby stopped talking, ceased moving entirely, except for his ice which grew so large Jonothon thought they might well pop out of his head. "You could've warned me," he gasped just before Logan's hand tightened around his throat.

The younger mutant thought two things as all the men save Wolverine and Bobby, who he jerked into a closed classroom, scattered. First, Jono couldn't help silently remarking that Bobby really should've smelled Wolverine coming -- after all, his hair and boots were still burned almost to a crisp -- and secondly, he was ever so thankful that Paige's temper wasn't that of Ororo's or Jean's.

"Just wait," the intellectual Beast murmured to him as he watched the relief passing over the younger man's face. "She'll grow into it."

Lord, I hope not!

"They all do," Henry advised. "Just to keep the lady happy, Jonothon, and you'll have nothing about which to worry." He looked up as a green-haired woman entered the hallway. "That," he quickly whispered, "would be my cue to depart." He ducked down a side hall and quickly bounded away.

Left alone, Jono shook his head and hoped fervently both that Paige didn't grow into the renowned temperament of an older X-Woman and that he himself never became a big enough fool to anger her if she did.

The End

author: katleept, character: hank mccoy, character: scott summers, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), character: bobby drake, character: logan/wolverine, challenge 088

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