Working Title: Heart Storm
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Character/Pairing: Kurt/Ororo, also mentions past Logan/Ororo and hints at Kurt/Amanda
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge: #77: Summer Storm
Warning(s): Het, SPOILERS!
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Marvel comics and Disney, not the author, and are used without permission.
Lightning flickers in yellow orbs as the Elf watches the brewing Summer storm from the rooftop of the place he once felt to be his home. It still is, he supposes. The X-Men have welcomed him back with open arms, smiling faces, and hugs all around, but still it doesn't feel quite the same. Charles Xavier is gone. He knows he's in Heaven, but he still misses him. So many of their other friends are gone too, and there are far too many new faces and names for him to remember them all.
He sighs, his tail twitching, and draws his knees further up to his chest. His position makes him think of his best friend, Kitty Pryde, as she saw so often sat this way on Muir Isle. He misses those days. He misses her, but she's no longer on Wolverine's side. That's another thing to which he can't get accustomed: The X-Men have split down the middle. They're no longer the family they always have been, and some of those he never thought would walk away from Logan, who's only trying to do the best for the next generation of mutants and has landed himself into a position he can scarcely believe he's doing, have.
He sighs again, his fur rustling with the growing wind. Nothing is the same. Everything is worse except that now he's alive. He's back with his friends, with his family such as it still is. He should be happy, but he's not. Thunder rumbles. He's getting soaked, but he doesn't care. The rain reminds him he can truly feel again, but his heart is still empty, still lonely.
"You gonna talk to 'er, Elf?"
"About vhat, Logan?" His tail twitches.
"'Bout this storm. S'posed t' be havin' sunny skies."
"A Summer storm can brew out of nothing, Logan."
"This ain't nothin', Elf. She's upset."
"And you vant me to do somezing about zat?"
"Only th' man that broke it can mend a broken heart." Logan stands, turns his back to him, and plops his cowboy hat down on his head. "That's you."
"She dumped my ass soon as we got back, an' she's been like this since you went off huntin' Amanda."
Kurt sits there for a moment in stunned silence before bamfing up to Ororo. She's startled by his sudden appearance, but just as he knew she would, she catches him before he can fall with her breezes. "Kurt, what's wrong?"
"Vhy don't you tell me, Ororo? Logan says I've upset you."
"Kurt, I . . . I . . . " she stammers, but he can see the truth in her eyes.
His heart sings with the knowledge. "Ah, Ororo," he croons, wrapping his arms and tail around her and tracing her jawline with a fingertip, "you had only to tell me I am vorthy of a Goddess, and I vould have done this again long ago." He presses his lips to hers, and a whole new storm, this time of joy and passion, begins.
The End