Their Show (Gen. X; Emma, Ensemble; G/K; #72: Bad TV)

Apr 29, 2014 12:32

Title: Their Show
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Generation X
Characters/Pairing: Emma, Ensemble
Rating: G/K
Challenge/Prompt: #72: Bad TV
Word Count: 400
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

She crinkles her nose in disgust as the Celts game blasts from the headmasters' office. She was going to drop off some papers but decides quickly against it. She'll just bring them back with her in the morning. She hopes the Celts do win against whoever they're playing for the simple reason that she knows her coheadmaster will be in a grouch of a mood if they don't. She might enjoy arguing with him at times, but Sean's a real boar whenever his team loses.

She resists the urge to roll her eyes, a very immature habit she's picked up from her students, as she hears another game rattling from far across the lawn. Men and their sports are always annoying and immature. Surely there's no worse television than that which focuses on grown men fighting over a dead pig's skin and slapping each other on the butt.

Sensing movement behind her, Emma ducks just in time to avoid Monet. "Sorry, Miss Frost!" the teenager calls back without so much as hesitating. "I can't stop! I'm going to be late for . . . " Emma knows the girl is desperately grabbing for ideas when she blurts, " . . . my daddy's phone call!"

"Yeah, right, M!" Jubilee snorts as she roller blades pass Emma.

"Sorry, Miss Frost, can't talk! Our show's comin' on!"

"Yeah, an' we so can't miss tonight's episode!"

"Do ya think she'll evah love him?"

"She already does. Who wouldn't? She just won't admit it, because she's got her head too far up that other guy!"

The girls give a collective, dreamy sigh before disappearing. Emma shakes her head and continues on her way. She should call after them to have Jubilee clean up the messy trail of popcorn she's leaving if nothing else, but she has more important things to see. She can still hear the three girls giggling in their minds when she finally reaches her own room.

She slips white chocolate candy bars out of the inside pockets of her leather jacket and sinks into her luxurious, white sofa. Propping her feet up, she turns on the television, and a moment later, all is forgotten as she smiles at the image of the man smiling back at her. If she hadn't forgotten the others, she might have seen, through the girls' minds, that they, too, were watching a certain blonde Vampire and his desperate courtship of the Slayer meant to kill him.

The End

author: katleept, challenge 072, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), character: emma frost

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