and now for a brief message from our sponsorsFandom: The Non-Adventures of Wonderella
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Wonderella, Rita, Queen Beetle
Rating: PG
Word count: 454
Warnings: ... It's Wonderella?
Challenge: #070 barrel of a gun
Title: so what do you think I am, John Wayne or something?
Fandom: Arrow
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Warnings: Island era
Challenge: #070 barrel of a gun
“Because any idiot can stare down that barrel and pull the trigger,” Slade said, scowling, and Oliver resisted commenting that maybe the idiots were on to something here, that maybe people used guns because they were easy.
“Sounds like something you'd consider straight up my alley,” he said, instead.
Slade grunted. “You get my back, I need to know you're a bit more than an idiot, kid.”
“Oh, right. So it's just about me impressing you,” Oliver said. “Sorry, I didn't know that was even possible.”
“Hope springs eternal,” Slade said, in a tone that implied rather strongly it really didn't.