Master Enslaved (X-Men; Charles/Erik; G/K; #69: Master and servant)

Mar 30, 2014 11:32

Title: Master Enslaved
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Characters/Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: G/K
Challenge/Prompt: #69: Master and servant
Word Count: 491
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

He can't believe the things he has asked of him. He has tried to adhere to his rules and get along peacefully with his X-Men so many times. If what he's done to get along with his lover's favored students was a movie, he surely would have won many Oscars by now. He's cooked for him, taught for him, cleaned him. He's moved his whole world for him, but this . . . This is surely too much to ask of any man, even him!

And yet he knows already he's going to do it. How can he deny the man he loves when he's looking up at him so sweetly smiling and saying that such a fine thing would be lost on a man who can not leave his chair? How can he say "no" to Charles on anything, especially when he's said "yes" to so much? How can he not succumb to this whimsical request as well?

He's already moved his world, but he would move the universe if it took it to be with Charles. Now, at last, his man is ready to be his in name as well as act. There's only one more thing Erik must do. He sighs deeply, finally ceases his arguments, and then succumbs as they've both known all along he will. "Fine," he says. "I'll do it." Charles' smile is as wide as the sky and a hundred times more beautiful than the cloudless day they've been given.

Still, Erik has to wonder why he has to endure this treatment and can not help wishing that the thought had never occurred to his partner. It's too bad there isn't a law prohibiting such, but then if there was, they probably wouldn't be able to legally do the other part, the part he's aching to do with all of his heart. Being illegal would never stop him, but he knows Charles would have continued refusing until the day came that their plan was finally legalized.

He looks into Charles' beautiful, blue eyes and wonders again when the Master of Magnetism became a slave. He is a servant to this man and to their love for he knows he'll do anything to be with him, anything to see him smile again, even wear a dress. He supposes, perhaps, it shouldn't be such a big deal and then confirms for himself that indeed it shouldn't. After all, what matters is that he's finally going to get to marry the man he loves, not who wears the dress. He scoops down and kisses him. "All right," he speaks with a teasing grin, his eyes twinkling. "Whatever it takes to make you mine."

"I'm already yours, Erik."

"And I am yours, Charles, but it's still going to be an honor to wed you." Truer words, he knows, have never been spoken. His disdain and impending embarrassment are forgotten in the glow of their love and happiness they share.

The End

challenge 069, author: katleept, character: erik lehnsherr, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), character: charles xavier

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