God on Their Side (X-Men; Rogue; PG/K+; #68: Judas)

Mar 24, 2014 16:25

Title: God on Their Side
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Characters/Pairing: Rogue, Nightcrawler, also mentions Mystique/Destiny and Cody/Rogue
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge/Prompt: #68: Judas
Word Count: 588 -- Went over again this week, sorry, promise to get it back down next week!
Warnings: Religious Views
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

She stops still as a statue when she realizes where she's landed. Memories flood her as they so often do. She has so many memories, not all of her own, but in those moment, she recognizes those which belong to her. She remembers crying in a church when she was first on the run. The family into which she had been born had been Southern Baptists, so she'd known about Jesus but not much at that early age. She had known He was supposed to love all children, but she'd been unable to believe He would love even her after what she had done. Every one would hate her for hurting Cody -- her family, her friends, even Jesus, every one.

She had later learned that wasn't true, but it hadn't been the woman who had rescued her who had taught her that. Raven had tried to love her, had tried to be a good mother to her, but Mystique was unable to really love any one, even Destiny. She remembers her other mother with a touch of sorrow in her heart and recalls that it was she who first read the entire Bible to her, she who could not see and yet always saw so much more than Raven ever dared.

She was astonished when she learned how Judas had betrayed Christ. "He kissed him to give him away," she'd almost cried, "to send him to his death?!"

It had, of course, been then that Mystique had walked in, loaded with weapons and stolen goods. "Men are like that," she'd sneered. "You can't trust any of them, not even God. Irene, stop filling our daughter's head with bull crap."

Irene had tried to argue, but they'd never been able to win against Raven. Even pointing out that Mystique had been the one to steal the Bible for the blind from which she was teaching Rogue had been futile. Raven wouldn't listen. She never listened, and she believed if there was a God, He didn't love mutants and wasn't kind to women. They were to be man's stepping stone, and she was no one's stepping stone. Neither was Rogue.

"Rogue, are you okay?"

She blinks as a thick German accent brings her back to the present. "Nevah bettah, Fuzzy, but there's this whole church o' people here." She hadn't known they were waging war above a church, and it is Sunday, the Lord's day.

His tail whip. "Zen ve'd best finish zis fight before ze Preacher finishes his sermon."

"Do ya think we can win?"

"I know ve can, sister. Ve have God on our side."

"You think he cares 'bout us?"

"I know he does, Rogue."

She looks into his yellow eyes, sees his confidence and faith, and realizes he's right. She doesn't know what kind of man God is really like. He could be tyrannical like Magneto, but he could also be a savior like Charles tries so hard to be. He could be a friend who puts everybody else first while dealing with his own messes, like Bobby, or a man so full of faith and good heart that he'll never let any one stop him from trying to care for his people, like Kurt.

She smiles. Whatever God's really like, He must be good, because He's put so many good men into her life, so many good friends, a good family. "Let's do this." She flies back into the battle, confident once more and knowing they'll win because, as Kurt said, they have God on their side.

The End

author: katleept, character: rogue, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), challenge 068

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