Title: To Hell We Go
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: New Mutants
Characters/Pairing: Dani/Rahne
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge: #51: Drag Me To Hell
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
It took every bit of the young Scot's control to break away from the sweet lips of the Native American who was kissing her so passionately. Gasping for breath, she placed both hands on Dani's chest, intending to still her only to have a harder surge of passion shoot through her. "We -- We should nae be doin' this. I'm already headed f'r Hell."
Danielle grasped Rahne's beautiful face in her hands. Looking intently into her eyes, she told the girl, "Then drag me to Hell with you, Rahne, because I already love you," and went right back to kissing her.
The End