#048 Trial and Error (The Avengers, Tony Stark/Bruce Banner)

Sep 18, 2013 23:40

Title: Trial and Error
Fandom: The Avengers (movie verse)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tony Stark/Bruce Banner, Peter Parker
Rating: PG
Word count: 234
Warnings: slight angst, but that's it
Challenge: #048
Notes: Had this in mind I'm glad I could do it. Enjoy!

Tony and Bruce read the books, checked the forums, and watched various programs about parenting, but it was much different than they thought. Bringing home Rebecca and adopting Peter was the easy part, trying to find a method that worked was the hard part. Tony wanted to be serious, but not too serious. Then he wanted to be lax, but not too lax. Many times Bruce ended up being the laid-back parent, like when it came to Peter climbing everywhere or Rebecca ripping up notes.

Bruce wanted to make sure Peter and Rebecca knew how much they cared. He spoiled them a bit more than Tony did. If Peter and Rebecca had a cold, he stayed up all night until their fever broke. He made sure not to yell, but didn’t forget to reprimand the kids. Tony and Bruce didn’t punish harshly though they tried to show they were serious.

Tony baby proofed the Tower and made sure the labs stayed locked during the day. Bruce ran test after test to make sure the kids wouldn’t get any gamma radiation. When the tests returned negative it eased his mind. They tried to balance projects and parenting, sometimes it didn’t turn out well. However, they made it work the best way they could. As long as their children smiled, they were happy.

Parenting may be harder than they thought, but they wouldn’t change a thing.

fandom: the avengers (movie), author: blossomdreams, character: tony stark, challenge 048, character: bruce banner, fandom: marvel cinematic universe

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