Could This Be Love? (Excalibur; Douglock/Wolfsbane; G/K; #46: Hive Mind)

Sep 02, 2013 10:30

Title: Could This Be Love?
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Excalibur
Characters/Pairing: Douglock/Wolfsbane
Rating: G/K
Challenge: #46: Hive Mind
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

Sometimes, he remembers what it was like to be a part of the Phalanx's hive mind. The Phalanx might have been an evil race, but they were also truly one of the most powerful to ever exist. A great deal of that power came from what they shared together. There was never a thought that belonged to an individual, never anything in which sharing did not take place, until Warlock broke away from that race.

Douglock remembers that moment. He recalls the pain of withdrawing from the hive mind and the loneliness that pursued as vividly as if it had happened to him. He knows now that he is neither Warlock nor Doug Ramsey, although he wishes he could be, at times, so that his friends would stop missing their friends.

He is not those beings. Their memories are not his, and yet, he still remembers. He still feels that loneliness too often today. It is as though a piece of him is missing, but he knows he can not find that piece for it is evil and he is good.

Still, sometimes, he is tempted. He aches to replace that piece, to make himself whole again. It is in those times, even more so than others, that he searches out his favorite team mate, his most special friend. It never takes him long to find her. She's usually with her guardian, Lady Moira, but even while trying desperately to find a cure for her, Rahne always has time for him.

She always looks up when he enters. Her green eyes always seem to shimmer for at least a moment when their gazes meet. When she's in wolf form, her bushy tail sometimes even wags. Douglock knows those looks are for him, even if he doesn't quite understand why. He does understand, though, clearly, how they make him feel. They replace that missing part of him. They make him feel whole and happy again, at least until the next time he has to leave his friend's presence.

He always feels lonely whenever they are apart, no matter how many other friends he has around him, but whenever he's with Rahne, Douglock feels whole and joyful. He's content with no concerns other than helping Rahne and Moira find a way to heal Moira so that Rahne does not have to suffer losing her. He doesn't think of the Phalanx, the past, or the mysteries of his own being. He thinks only of Rahne, her smiles, how much he wants her to stay happy, and how she wonderful she makes him feel, and he wonders: Could this be love?

If so, he understands why the humans sing songs, write stories, and create films about it. He knows why they search for it everywhere until they either find it or die. He knows why they say love can destroy an empire or build a kingdom, why Kitty swears there's no greater power. He knows, he agrees, and he hopes it never, ever ends.

The End

author: katleept, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), challenge 046

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