Jeannie's Big Shock (New X-Men; Jean, Charles/Erik; G/K; #44: Stream of Consciousness)

Aug 18, 2013 04:52

Title: Jeannie's Big Shock
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: New X-Men
Characters/Pairing: teen!Jean, Charles/Erik, Professor Kitty
Rating: G/K
Challenge: #44: Stream of Consciousness
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

I can't believe it. It's him. It's really him! Oh, geez, I wish Professor Xavier was here right now! There's no way we're going to be able to beat him, not even with Professors Logan and Kitty on our side!

Professor Logan's already growling. This is bad, really bad! I'd run, but I can't leave the others here alone! What was it that Bobby told me that Magneto did to Professor Logan? Something about ripping his bones out? Oh, golly, what if he does that to us?!

I can't scream. I can't run. I have to face him. Oh, no! Oh, no! He's looking at me! He's looking at me, and . . . And he's thinking of the Professor?

The Professor's dead in this world. I still can't believe Scott killed him. Neither can Magneto. And . . . And . . . Okay, there is no way in the world I read that right! I've got to try again.

I'm surprised he's not blocking me from his mind. I bet he must have really powerful blocks, even though he's not telepathic. But he's letting me in. He . . . He doesn't want to hurt us. We're very important to the Professor, or we were, any way, to his Professor, and . . . Oh my God!!! I did read him right! Magneto loved the Professor or loves, actually! That's why he's on the side of the good guys!

"Hum, Professor Logan?"

"What is it, Jean?"

Professor Logan's ignoring me, but maybe I can get Professor Kitty to listen. "I don't think we have to fight him!"

"Why not?"

"He loves the Professor, or he loved him any way!" Boy, this is all so confusing!

"I know."

She knows?! But then, why are they fighting?! "Come on." I don't try to fight her when she grabs my elbow. She's my Professor, my friend. I can't fight her, but then Professor Logan shouldn't be fighting Magneto when he loves the Professor!

I look desperately to Professor Kitty, but she's shaking her head. "Testosterone," she says like that can really explain it. The purple dragon on her shoulder is cooing and batting his wings like he thinks it can, but it can't. Not really. Why should two guys on the same side always fight other than with Cyclops? He deserves it for killing the Professor. I'd like to kick his butt myself. Why's Magneto with him?

"We can't stop them. We just need to keep you kids clear." We all follow her, but I still feel like I ought to be doing something to break up the fight.

"Jean, what's wrong?"

Scott's worried about me. They're all looking at me. But I can't tell them! They wouldn't believe me! I still don't believe me, and I read it from Magneto's mind himself! Oh boy, oh golly, oh gee -- I wonder if the Professor loved him? If we ever get to go back home, I have to ask the Professor! I wonder if he'll tell me the truth? I don't know, but I still gotta ask him!

The End

author: katleept, character: jean grey, character: erik lehnsherr, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), challenge 044

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