Title: Mutant Children
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Generation X/X-Men
Characters/Pairing: Skin/Jubilee, mentions past Synch/Jubilee and Skin/Tores
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge: #39: Blood-soaked bandages
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
"Do you want children?" His question took her by surprise. A deepening pile of blood-soaked bandages lay between their feet. Her hands stilled where she was working on cleansing his wound.
"What?" she asked. Her soft, brown eyes hesitantly flicked up into his darker orbs.
"Do you want children, chica?" he asked, his voice soft and gentle. "Don't tell me you've never thought about it."
She had thought seriously about having kids at one time. Everett had wanted a large family, and she'd thought herself ready, with a few more years, to give it to him. But now . . . it wasn't that she didn't love Angelo. She'd mistaken the deep friendship she'd shared with Everett as love, but with Angie, she had the real thing.
He was her best friend, as Everett had once been, but he was far more to her than that. He was the reason she got up now every morning. She'd left her family to be with him and to try to help him make his world right again. She'd give him everything she had gladly and never ask for hardly a thing in return. She loved him with all her heart. She loved him more than she'd ever loved any one with the single possible exception of her unspoken, adopted father and ultimate bestest friend ever, Wolveroonie, even if he'd growled if she ever called him either.
But children? "You really wanna raise kids in this world?" she asked Angelo. "Where the humans hate our guts because we're different and we're shot by our own kind?" She didn't want to remind him that it was his former girlfriend who had given him the deep injury she was currently cleaning. She didn't like thinking about all that he had shared with Tores before they'd come together and especially not about all the ways she'd hurt him. But if he needed a reminder why two mutants having kids in this world was a bad idea, she'd give it to him. She stabbed the alcohol swab deeper into his wound.
Angelo grimaced but didn't relent. "A world where they can claim the X-Men for their family and have all the fun and adventures we've had? Wouldn't you want kids to be able to grow up with your family, Jubie, new children to ride Logan's back?"
"He's got plenty o' us kids." Her expression had changed, though, growing softer and more thoughtful. She was no longer looking at him but concentrating on his injury instead.
"Look. I'm not sayin' we have to think about it now or that we ever have to have kids. I guess, what I'm tryin' to say, chica, is . . . " He waited until her eyes lifted back to his and smiled his sweetest grin. "If you ever want 'em, I'm game."
Jubilee smiled and dabbed gently at his wound. "When ya put it that way . . . Cool."
She nodded. "Si." They kissed, then continued to get ready to make the world a better place for whatever mutant children might come.
The End