Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2008 13:04

New Year is upon us - hope everyone had a happy holiday. Back to work tomorrow, sadly, but tha's how I pay for the comics....

Speaking of New Year, it seems to me that its time for some resolutions - both comic and non-comic related....

1) No more Guinness. From now on only light beers shall be drunk. This is an improvement over previous years where I swore off beer entirely, which lasted at least three days. Wine, whisky and tequila are, of course, still allowed. Just not, y'know, daily.

2) I'm limiting my comics budget to $30 a week, which works out to about $100 a month when I take in the Midtown Comics $20 rebate thing. This is because right now I buy too many and, as was recently pointed out to me, most of them are crap. I love 'em, but I just don't have the room for them so...yeah, budget. We'll see how well that works.

3) The blog is now going to be a bit more structured. Maybe. And I'm going to try to limit it to one post per day. Unless something interesting occurs to me, I find a new video, or whatever. So, er, probably the same as last year, really.

4) The writing. This is the important one. I'm actually going to pull the finger out and do some this year instead of just moaning. I've got one artist kind of lined up for an eight page strip (hmmm...eight pages...) and I need another for another eight pages. Baby steps, people, baby steps.

5) Trying to get to more concerts this year, hopefully about one every six-eight weeks. If you happen to hear of any good ones in the New York area, drop me a line at richlovatt@gmail.com - or leave a comment for me. First up: Editors the third week in January.

6) Books - I read trash. I read scif-fi trash. And, occasionally, I try to fit a grown-up book in there. Well, recently I've been reading way more trash and sci-fi trash than grown-up books. So I'm going to try and read more grown-up stuff. Maybe.

7) Culture and stuff. Plays and things. More of them.

8) Peanut butter - ah, I love you but you're like a hardening of the arteries in a delicious disguise. So once you're finished, oh two jars in the cupboard, you're done.

9) Food - eat healthier with less bread and pasta and more ::shudder:: vegetables. Because those love handles and the paunch have finally met in the middle and it ain't pretty folks.

10) Exercise - I hate it. I get bored doing running and cross training and stuff like that - and I tend not to do it too often or for very long. But the aforementioned love handles/paunch combo, not to mention the hairy man boobs, tell me that its time to start doing some more of it. Dammit.

So that's me. What about you?


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