Thor Girl!
Yes, she's Thor.
But she's a girl!
Yes, it sounds like an inherently stupid idea but it worked out pretty well in Jurgens' run of Thor. Y'see, Thor Girl wasn't really Thor when he was a girl (unlike, say, Thor Frog, who was Thor when he was a frog).
No, Thor Girl (or Tarene) was the Designate, the next level of existence. She patterned herself after Thor because she admired him and fought by his side. She was perky and positive - kind of like how Supergirl should be.
Since Jurgens run was cut short for Avengers Disassembled (gripe gripe), Thor Girl sightings have been non-existent - until the last few issues of Avengers The Initiative, where she's been rising to the front.
I actually think that she deserves a little more spotlight so hopefully -
- well, crap. Well, she could still be okay -
...well maybe not now...
It always happens to the ones I like... Dagger had better watch out...