Today I'm feeling very accomplished. I'm going to be in an exhibit in NYC! My first NYC show! it's not REALLY a solo exhibit, or even a group show with my name in it, more that I'm a part of Jesse Willmon's project ( ... should be up soon) but I'm going to be paid for being on the website and since it's subscription based if the website takes off I'll continue to get money from it. That and I'm being interviewed for the JFK library ... man, I just feel accomplished.
A show in NYC, a show in Rome ... I feel like some international art star ... like Duchamp or 50 Cent.
Then on top of that I just felt on the ball in Art History. Beginning to see connections, beginning to understand little tid-bits of information about the Renissance, like, why Venician painting is not centered around drawing from observation and more about composition and color ... and WHY. And like ... where I sit philosophically speaking in relation to Michelangelo and Caravaggio ... and what's the next step. It all feels really good.
We have very little time left here. Less then a month. I don't like thinking about it but I do need to start concentrating or just thinking about what is going to happen next. This summer is looking ... not great. But hey, Providence is only an hour and a half away and Boston has a lot to offer. And there is a lot for me to accomplish back in Ipswich. And how can you hate Ipswich, it's beautiful in its own way. And I have MOCCA to look forward to, plus recording with Jason Anderson under the tenitive name "The Agawam Kids". If I had a grunge band I'd totally name it the Agawam Kids. But what do you think, maybe just Agawm Kids, or THE Agawm Kids? Am I spelling Agawam even right? Man, it's been so long since I've been amongst towns named after indian tribes. America, here I come.