black and white, its become so black and white...

Dec 27, 2005 13:16

ive come to realize that where i am in my life, today, right now, will ultimately, unwillingly, be the underlined guidance which will in a sense, determine my future. and that in itself, scares me yet excites me all the more. i am eager to encounter upon the future, to dream about my life 10 years from now. to imagine my apartment and everything i want to decorate it with....from vintage furniture to italian elegance. with open windows and the smell of rain. i yearn for it all. but i also want to stop everything in my life right now. just push the pause button and appreciate everything i forget to appreciate. respect the socially un-respectable. love the unlovable. extract the importance of life and breath it in. make it my own. i want to be selfless. i want to laugh and remember it in 10 years. i will grow and i will prosper from pain. i will not fall for imitation. because this is now, this is me, this will determine my future.

The Year 2005:

[P E O P L E]
1. Best friends? bianca and i are lesbians
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? jason
3. Lost any friends? most likely. im anti social
4. Gained any friends? yes
5. Met a new good friend?

[P L A C E S]

1. Went out of the country? yes. MEXICO!
2. Moved? no
3. New school? no
4. How many times on an airplane? 0..went on a cruise.
5. Road trips? a few here and there

[Y O U]

1. Have you changed? haha yea
2. New look? yes. more relaxed, less bright colors and i dropped the whole 298238 necklaces at one time thing.
3. Any new additions? longer hair
4. Biggest conflict this year? fuck it.
5. Most depressed time this year? summer

[L O V E]

1. Did you fall in love? out of? i fall in love every time im with jason!
2. Did you get heart broken? no
3. Who was your summer love? jason
4. How many boyfriends/girlfriends this year? 1
5. Favorite date? too many to chose from

[S E A S O N S]

1. Favorite Season? winter and spring were neat this past year.
2. Least favorite season? maybe summer i dont know
3. Good birthday? yes, yay for my surprise party!
4. Any snow this year? no. duh.
5. Highest temperature? probably a million degrees...maybe a little less. fuck texas.

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]

Snuck out-yes with bianca and brooke.
Met a person who will change ur life: everybody will change my life in someway
Kept your resolution(s)? - haha no
Had a first something- yes
Drank Alcohol- yes
Smoked weed/drugs- yes
Did anything illegal- im sure
Kissed a boy/girl- yes
Had a crush- no
Liked someone who didn't like you- no
Lost a family member- no
Got bad grades- no
Got suspended- no
Moved states- no
Got on myspace- fuck. im embarrassed
Learned an instrument- no
Started a band- no
Spent over 1 million dollars- i wish
Went streaking- no
Done something you shouldn't have- most likely
Kept a secret- yes
Told a secret- yes.
done something you totally regret- hm...
Changed your view on things- yes to an extent
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