Holy crap, the weekend

Oct 29, 2007 10:42

was awesome. The Halloween party was a blast, even if I did have to change costumes at the last minute. There is a pretty great picture of me as Batman, though. Saturday was spent in recovery, until the afternoon, which I went with Phil and them and bought comic books. Then it was hanging out and chilling, with Halo off and on through Saturday night and Sunday. It was nice to see Ron again, and if you're reading this Hoof, you're a damn goat for not coming down >(

On another note, one of the comics I bought was the Goon, and I have to say that it's just great. Sure, it makes no sense, but the art's sublime, it's funny as hell, and well, it's hard to hate something with tough-guy dialog like "Monkey's gonna learn ya don't mess with a man when he's eatin' his ice cream!" and "Ain't so tuff now, are ya?! Yeah, only sissies have mayo. If you were a real sandwich, you'd have mustard!" It's like Sin City by way of Hellboy, but with sillier plotlines. Next up is Gilgamesh II, which I just started, but it certainly making it's own run for the "weird" category.

That's all for now. Just wanted a quick update while I'm on lunch break.
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