Feb 22, 2003 21:57
so once again, im depressed as fuck with only 6 hours before my birthday to go. i actually thought i might be happy this year. but no, still depressed, still overwhelmed by burden of choices. you'd think on birthday you'd be given less oppresive choices, but no thats the present i get given every year since... 4th grade? i think thats when i had my last party, and thats the last time i remember enjoying my birthday.
oh! and ive apparently ripped some muscle in my left leg, so theres a good chance that my basketball season is over earlier. seeing as i can barely walk on it, or just lie down with out it hurting.
I need endings, i need completions and progress and stability and for someone to take away all these god damn decisions because i cant make them anymore. Why the hell is it that when i ask people what they want to do when we're hanging out, they push it back on to me? I can't take that responsibility for both of our enjoyment.
I dont want to write anymore.