Apr 23, 2006 12:59
- First grade teacher's name: Ms.Smith
- Last word you said: yeah
- Last song you sang: fat man in a little coat
- Last person you hugged: caroline
- Last thing you laughed at: alex...but not really laughing AT him.
- Last time you said I don’t remember: i don't remember
- Last time you cried: couple weeks ago
- What color socks are you wearing: none
- What's under your bed: im not sure.
- What time did you wake up today: 12
- Current taste: soda
- Current hair: short
- Current annoyance: my stomach. someone's indecisiveness
- Current longing: heh... for old times
- Current desktop background: glassblowin'
- Current worry: exams
- Current hate: messy house
- Current favorite article of clothing: white a shirts
- Last CD that you listened to: the slits
- Favorite place(?) to be: well...i like to sleep.
- Least favorite place: the middle of an argument
- Time you wake up in the morning: depends
- If you could play an instrument, what would you play: drums or kazoo
- Favorite color: black
- How tall are you: short
- Current favorite word/saying: i like to laugh randomly
- Favorite book: beyond the flower
- Favorite season: fall
- One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: hum. i dont really care to talk to them anymore.
- What is your career going to be like: rediculous... if it even becomes a career.
- How many kids do you want: one or five. we shall see.
- Said "I love you" and meant it: yes...sigh.
- Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, can ya fight with those?
- Been to New York: no
- Been to Florida: too many times.
- Been to California: oh yes
- Been to Hawaii: no
- Been to Mexico: no
- Been to China: nope
- Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: probably... can't recall at the moment.
- What book are you reading now?: i've got to go to the library soon.
- Worst feeling in the world: um. mostly when people are mean for no reason.
- What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: what? its not the same thing every morning.
- - How many rings before you answer: three?
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: umm NO.
- If you could have any job you wanted: paintingggggggggggggg.
- Wish were here: gina gina gina
- College plans: after Uof HEll i might go to graduate school.
- Piercings: four
- Do you do drugs:no... Nyquil anyone?
- Do you drink: yesssssssssss.
- What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: um. whatever is in the shower.
- What are you most scared of: hum. emptyness.
- What clothes do you sleep in: heh heh heh. a suit and tie.
- Who is the last person that called you: julia.
- Where do you want to get married: um. where... let's work on WHO first.
- If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: sometime i am annoying. my hair is also the color of a crayonnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!
- Are you timely or always late: mostly i am late for everything these days.
- Do you like being around people: yes, but depends which ones.
- Best feeling in the world: content
- Are you a health freak: not hardly
- Are you lonely right now: no.
- Ever afraid you'll never get married: it wont be that big of a deal if i dont
- Do you want to get married: seems like a nice idea lately.
- Do you want kids? yes
- Cried: no
- Bought Something: pack o smokes
- Gotten Sick: yesterday.
- Sang: nooo, wel...sort of
- Said I Love You: should have. damnit
- Met Someone: sort of.
- Moved On: who moves on....? honestly... just bunches of cycles and denial.
- Talked To Someone: yes
- Had A Serious Talk: no
- Missed Someone: yes
- Hugged Someone: yes
- Yelled at Someone: um...probably myself.