"Don't look at me that way, it was an honest mistake"

Jun 03, 2005 14:42


Lordie I am soooooooo emotionally drained today. seriously, by the end of school of today, I thought I was either gonna burst into tears or faint; neither of those are something I wanna do. A few of my friends right now are being really stupid, and I am so beyond fed up with people being dumb for no good reason. and I am really really burned out on just school in general. the work is just insane, both in class and for homework. in the classes we are just going way too fast, and I am deffinatly not the only one who feels like this. like all my friends have said the same thing to me. I am just so happy that today is friday, you really have no idea. here's my horoscope for today:

Break off that big project into bite-size chunks, and you'll suddenly find that it's a lot easier to swallow. It's funny the way deadlines seem to wear soft-soled shoes and then sneak up on you when you least expect them. In this case, if you're able to stay calm and take care of the small details that make up this situation and tackle them one by one, you'll be finished in no time. After it's all over, you'll be asked how you did it so easily. Just smile enigmatically, okay?

Hahaha, niceeeeeeeeee, I'm loving it. I think my major project right now is just to live through the rest of my freshman year as far as I am considered. but thankfully I got to download ten new songs to keep me sane for a bit. LOL. this one is one of them, and it's amazing. haha I discovered it on The O.C.; yes I really am that preppy. haha and very proud of it as well. go me!

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