Feb 08, 2007 22:07
oh my god.
that episode of grey's anatomy.
(will explain more when i'm less overwhelmed)
ps. who else thought little creepy blonde girl was Izzie's daughter. i know, i know, out on a limb, but she reminded me so much of Izzie. If her name is Hannah, it IS izzie's daughter. (also it would be a good time for Izzie. Izzie no longer has Alex, Denny, or George, she NEEDS someone. a meaning in her life.)
But whatever it probably isn't.
Actually, me editing, I didn't think the episode was that great. I thought it was better than last weeks episode which was so farfetched (minus the Maddison sex, I LIVE for that stuff). It was a little over the top once again. And the symbolism was a little weird. My friend thinks that the little blonde girl somehow stood for Meredith, and that the woman with the missing son was obviously a mardyr because she was spread on the table like Jesus. Okay, so I didn't go THAT far into it, definitely not. The whole drowning parallel thing is stupid. Meredith can fucking swim. (Okay so what are they going to say: That Ellis Grey was too busy being a bitch to spring for swimming lessons?) My friend pointed out that she could've broken her back or something, but really. Come ON, Grey's writers.
I think Izzie was in the worst situation out of all the interns. I felt thorougly bad for her the whole episode. But honestly, I wasn't looking at this episode like it was going to be more intense than the bomb episode, because thats what they ALWAYS say. And it's almost never true anymore. Stupid viewer-whores. As if they already don't have enough viewers.
In other news-
I've been working on my Grey's fic, Perfect Memory, and it's been getting good response which is good. Wooo. And TRYING to work on my non-Grey's fic (Aka I have like what 60 pages in Grey's and 3 pages in Non-fanfic)
I got back my practice ACT test Aka the plan test, which is the test that tells you what you should be when you grow up
In reality its pretty lame and doesn't help all that much, but here's what I got in scores. I was pretty impressed because it really did show me... Or who I think I am anyways.
Okay so I scored:
99% reading, 93% science, 89% english, and (gulp! embarrassing) 57% math.
Okay, I'm not THAT bad at math, but I seriously had no time to think and guessed at all the questions. In my defense it was about 10 minutes to do 50 problems.
It had this lame thing that said that if you were ready for college. As IF. But this is how it worked
Below: Not ready for college courses
At: Ready for college courses
Above: Ready for advanced college courses.
I got Above in English, Reading, and Science and of course, Below in Math.
Then comes the fun part.
What should you be when you grow up?
I scored in the People&Ideas area.
Apparentally I should go into these areas:
Medical Diagnosis & Treatment
Social Sciences
Applied (visual) Arts
Creative & Performing Arts
Applied Arts (written and spoken)
And apparentally I can be: Physician, Pathologist, Dentist, Vet, Nurse Anesthetist, Sociologist, Political Scientist, Economist, Urban Planner, Artist, Illustrator, Photographer, Interior Designer, Writer, Musician, Singer, Dancer, TV/Movie Director, Reporter, Columnist, Editor, Librarian.
Basically that covered most of the things I want to be (ish). So I'm pretty glad about my results, even if it is a lame test. Sorry for sharing that with you, but I think it's really interesting how people score on these things. But everyone knows standardized tests are complete bull.