Summer time! Oh. And school sucks.

May 18, 2009 03:07

God, I'm so neglectful to this thing, I swear.

Anyways. I just finished my sophomore year of college. And not only that, I also just failed my first college class. Hello, algebra! Oh. And thanks so much, integrated math, for teaching me NOTHING in high school, causing me to know NOTHING now. Thanks for that.

I'm so glad it's summer, though. Time for countless days at Dan's pool, sleeping in until 2:00 pm, being tan again, and, oh, having a life now that I don't have classes kicking my ass. Hah.

Nothing new is going on...John & I are doing pretty good, I'm back at home for the summer and will be going back to South for the fall. I can't say I'm real excited about that, but oh well. I'm poor. I'm still working at Cracker Barrel. Why? I have no fucking idea... I'm seeing Rascal Flatts next month and I'm also seeing RENT at The Fox! PLUS, Anthony Rapp & Adam Pascal, the original Mark & Roger (and the guys who played them in the movie) will be performing and I think I might pee a little when I see them. I cannot wait! =D

I'm hoping to keep this more updated now that I'll have some more free time. I want to be done with school NOW. But, considering I'm probably never going to graduate since I can't seem to pass math, that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. Ok, I'm done being bitter now. IT'S SUMMER.
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