Oct 11, 2010 19:09
I feel gross. Like, really gross. I checked my facebook & my .. relative's (I don't exactly know how we're related) husband tried to add me.
The mid-40-year-old husband who I saw frequently when I was in elem. school and he didn't talk at all and he'd look at my sisters in the creepiest way possible while they were in high school. He didn't even talk. He'd just stare, and my parents told us to nevverrr go close to him because he was that scary. Tell me why he tried to add me, the youngest one of the family, and not any of my other sisters who are now in their mid 20's?
Ew. Feel nasty. I don't know. It might seem like I'm over reacting but when you see him or meet him, all his tendencies and even the way he looks just screams somethings off about him. -__-'
We don't even talk to him, and me and my sisters have the same mutual friends as him. When I told my sisters that he tried adding me, they were so freaked out, they told me to block him. Ew.