Sep 24, 2006 11:05
I'm so nervous. I know i'm going to cry either today or tomorrow about leaving my baby *sniff*.
I've decided against putting her in daycare when i could just hire a babysitter to watch her in my apartment. I thought the same enviroment would help her. She doesn't know the baby-sitter but she would be in the same enviroment. I'm going to write down her schedule so the babysitter can follow through. So all Jovi has to get used to is the new babysitter instead of a new enviroment in a daycare and new ppl.
I'm just afraid that when Jovi wakes up tomrrow and the babysitter is giving her a sippycup and changing her diaper that she'll flip out. I'm afraid she's going to miss me alot and it makes me just want to cry. She's had mommy for over a year now. I probably would have been smarter to go back to work when she was even younger before she got clingy of me. I just want to cry over this and i hope i can do this! If i dont leave her now and start work then i may never. It may be worse as she's even older.
Have any other mothers gone through this? how did you handle it and how did your babies adjust? I just want to know that i'm not alone in this situation.
I hope my baby's ok.
I'm not really nervous about the job its self. I'm walking in there not know what im doing but if i'm trained properly i should learn quickly.
God, am i just being overprotective of her? I just dont want to see my baby cry over not having her mama....I hope i'm strong and can do this.
Please someone give me some advice?