Jun 14, 2006 19:45
Hey everyone!!!
Jovi has been crawling all over the place!!!! i'm constantly running after her my friend told me the rest of my baby weight would melt right off once she learnt to crawl then walk, she was right!!!
Jovi has 7 teeth now. The doctor was pleased and impressed with how good she's sleeping through the night and still taking one 2 hour nap a day. She was happy that Jovi is now on table food. She even told us that there's a good chance Jovi will walk before she's a year old. Right now she tries to stand on her own and can for about a minute or so. She holds on to things with one hand like the couch and starts walking.
She got weighed and measured. She weighs 18lbs 6oz and is barely 27 inches whichs puts her in the 25th percentile for her height. A shorty like her mother.
I slipped again. Two times in one month. I don't think i can say i'm in recovery anymore i'm not sure what is going on with me. I know i have been body conscious lately because of the nice weather and having to wear shorts makes me notice the baby weight.Its been tempting lately to be skinny again. I know i can be skinny again which is what i want. I also know though that i can do it by being unhealthy. I guess i'm just going to have to watch myself closely. I made it a year and half in recovery and i had no problem or temptations. I guess its just because its summertime. Last summer i didnt have to worry about my ED because i was pregnant. I'm not this year though.
I really have to bounce back from this semi-relapse. My husband and I have been talking about trying for another baby. We haven't decided when is the best time though. We talked about next month, then the end of this summer, then the end of the year and now its beginning of next year. That tells me since we can't make up our minds that we need to wait a while longer before we even think of trying.