Mar 26, 2007 17:26
Korean medicine is bullshit
I was on the phone with my mommy, and she told me i seemed to be out of breath. i told her that i've had a cold and there was a pitching pain in my chest. she told me to see a doctor for an x-ray, incase it was a lung infection. i always take my mothers advice, because she has 33 years working in a canadian hospital as a nurse, where they will treat something before it soon, before it explodes out of control.
what does the doctor say? i have a case of stress and that its normal. this is not normal... ive been stressed before, it might case a headache or fatigue in me. not a sharp pain and shortness of breath. they gave me a heart monitor test, where the "suction cups" would not stick to my hairy chest. he was about to send me away, when i said to him i am sick, and he checked my throat. He said i was a little sick, and that he could give me medicine for my cold i caught this weekend.
this might be the stress talking, but i know my body, and i know when there is some trouble with it. I would like some answers and proper checking done, instead of being told that its extenal problems troubling me. i know down in my heart, where the pain is, that it is something more then my personal worries.
i m going to wait a day to kick this cold, and see if there's improvement in other things. I may go for a second opinion.