006 | text

Nov 12, 2008 17:48

Well that was a fun curse. How’s everybody’s friendliness hangovers?

private to Claire Bennet & Zach Smith || Unhackable

No comment on yesterday, okay? Okay.

I know Angela is very friendly and has money to burn in the kindly grandmother department, but all the same, please refrain from accepting things from her, and if possible, speaking to her at all. If she does force something on you, I’d appreciate it if you let me look at it first. Yes, even if it’s socks and underwear. I have reason to believe she’s up to something completely insane. As usual.

What time do you two usually get back from work? I haven’t seen Zach.
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private to Peter Petrelli || Unhackable

What did you do with Sylar yesterday?
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private to Angela Petrelli || Unhackable

What did you let him DO with Sylar yesterday? Are you out of your mind? You know what - nevermind that, I’m completely aware that yes, you are out of your mind but what the hell happened?
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private to Riza Hawkeye || Unhackable

Do you remember that man I approached you about? Well, he’s here. He’s going by the name Gabriel Gray and he’s opened a watch repair shop in the store. He’s insisting he’s reformed, but let’s face it, he’s a super powered serial killer and probably needs an eye kept on him. Just letting you know.
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private to Eden McCain || Unhackable

We’re going to start with logging and monitoring all of his network activity. I’m going to see about hiring a tech person. I need you to continue with Suresh - even if you have to turn him further against me, whatever, and make sure you’re privy to every. Little. Thing. He does and says with Sylar. If he so much as thinks about looking at Sylar’s network feed, I want to know about.

We are going to - slowly if necessary - talk Peter down from whatever insane stint he’s on. Trying to turn him against Angela is probably a bad move initially, but he’ll need to see that there are people who are here for him who aren’t trying to manipulate him and get him close to Sylar. I’ll have to asses how damaged he’s going to end up if he really did absorb Sylar’s powers.
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filtered AWAY from Heroes crew + Police || Unhackable || Public otherwise

I’m looking for a good weapons supplier. Personal, live use; hunting and combat suited, not range shooting.

secret aaaaagent man, omfg haet u patrellis, i need a drink, gdi sylar, back to work, this is how we play both sides, preemptive stfu mohinder, only sane person on the show, i hate my job

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