ok, a mexican named Emilio has given my stepmother his number to give to me. He said I was a very pretty girl.
What the HELL!!???!!
01. Fallen for your best friend?---yes
02. Made out with JUST a friend?---yes
03. Been rejected?---yeah
05. Been in lust?---der
06. Used someone?---yes
07. Been used?---I hope not
08. Cheated on someone?---no
09. Been cheated on?---I have my assumptions
10. Been kissed?---yes
11. Done something you regret?---of course. But I wouldnt change what I've done
Who was the last person...
12. You touched?--- When my mom kissed me goodbye this morning
13. You talked to?--- Morganstern 8)
14. You hugged?--- Mom probably
15. You instant messaged?--- Morgan
16. Kissed?--- 8/ Niki. lol
17. You had sex with?--- naw, I dont do that mess!
18. You yelled at?---Mom. wanted to do more than yell at her. I was so angry.
19. You laughed with?--- Morgan
20. You had a crush on?--- It's been a while. probably Nate
21. Broke your heart?--- That'd be Nate again
Do You...
22. Color your hair?--- I unfortunatly highlighted my own hair and now have ugly orangish crap in my hair. Gone tomorrow hopefully though.
23. Why?--- Because i was bored
24. Piercings?--- 4 in the ears
26. Floss daily?--- nope
27. Own a webcam?--- no
28. Ever get off the darn computer?--- unfortunatly
29. Sprechen sie deutsche?--- nah
30. habla espanol?--- si! para no muy bueno.
31. parlez-vous francais?--- que?
General Questions
40. Considered a life of crime?--- Nope
41. Considered being a hooker?---um, big ole no
42. Considered being a pimp?--- Of course!
43. Are you psycho?--- not really
44. Split personalities?--- sometimes
45. Schizophrenic?--- no
46. Obsessive?---at times
47. Obsessive compulsive?---with certain things
48. Panic?---usually
49. Anxiety?---too often
50. Depressed?---everyone has their moments
51. Suicidal?---never
52. Obsessed with Hate?---um, no?
53. Dream of mutilated bodies?---how'd you know?
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?--- who would even want to know if I did??
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be right now?--- New Orleans
56. What would you be doing?--- being with who I need to be with
58. What are you listening to?--- Madonna - Frozen
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body?--- I can do weird stuff with the joints in my fingers
60. Chicken or fish?---chicken
61. Do you have a favorite animal?--- Umm, not really. I think the pladypus is pretty cool though
62. Current Clothes:--- Faceplant Tshirt, blue Jeans
63. Current Mood:--- sad
64. Current Taste:---Eclipse mints
65. Current Hair:---wavy and gay
66. Current Annoyance:--- my back hurts
67. Current Smell:--- my shampoo
68. Current thing I ought to be doing:--- sleeping. Im tired as heck
69. Current Desktop Picture:--- Red Moon Desert (windows xp given)
70. Current Favorite band:--- Tool of course. But Im also really liking Hawthorne Heights, Gorrilaz and SNOOP. lol
71. Current Book:--- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
72. Current DVD In Player:--- Braveheart. Oh God, love...
73. Current Refreshment:---waterrrrr
74. Current Worry:---one that doesnt concern anyone but me
75. Current Favorite Word(s):--- OH! (from Ying Yang Twins, (the whisper song - edited version) Wait till you see my 'OH!')
76. Food:---mexican all the way. God, maybe I SHOULD get with Emilio...
77. Drink:--- Diet Coke or water
78. Color:---red or black probably
79. Shoes:--- gold heels
80. Candy:--- I dont really like candy.
82. Movie:--- The Point
83. Dance:--- Um... I like watching people free style. Last time I tried, I broke a flip flop!
84. Vegetable:---broccoli I guess.
85. What do you want to be when you get older?--- I just want to be famous for something good. Whether Im an actor, or a writer. I just want to be known for something good.
87: Kids?---way later on in life
88: Living Where?--- somewhere with mountains and an actual WINTER SEASON
This or That:
89: Gay or straight? um... Im pretty straight
90: Boxers or Briefs:---boxer briefs... on boys
91: Reading or Writing: it depends. I wish I wrote more
92: Basketball or Baseball:--- baseball
93: Walking or Running?---walking der
94: Left or Right?:---right
95: TV Shows or Movies:---movies
96: Rap or Rock?:---ROCK. Unless Im being goofy with friends
98: Chocolate or Vanilla:---chocolate
99. Nude or pajamas:--- well, in bed, it's pjs. In the shower, it's a different story
100. Passenger or driver:----I need to start being the driver