i've been hanging out at the asian market. the woman probably thinks were junk food addicts since i've bought so much. but...there's a reason for the madness i tell you!
yan yan. kinduva cookie breadstick w/ the best chocolate dipping sauce! and goofy things written on the sticks.
choco boy. yum! my favorite!!! too bad i bought the last box! chocolate mushrooms on a cookie stem. the second picture there is for your entertainment ;]
um, i forget now what these are called. i have a cell phone charm of one that i got from strapya.com, though! these are really good, too. my second favorite. it's a cookie type deal w/ chocolate inside.
okay, so this candy isn't so great. kind reminds me of bit 'o honey. this is where the madness comes in. not only are there cool little cards to cut out on the back w/ animals, but it comes w/ a toy!!! check out all these awesome toys...
robot looking animals. the colored parts move when you push them. it's a rabbit, rhino, dog, & lion.
these are adorable as well. you hold the plastic 2D animal & away it goes! cute!
here's my favorite! and i just know there's more to collect! i'll be going back tomorrow...i haven't gone for a week or so, so i'm hoping there's more for me to buy ;] this is a microwave (door opens), scales (push down & the pink thing moves), cash register (drawer opens), little bear (dress pops off), milk carton w/ cup, & a tray w/ tongs. fun!!!
this all provoked me on another purchase i made recently. you'll have to stay tuned as it hasn't arrived from japan yet. i'm soooo excited about this package!!!