chalinn & i did a little trade. i sent her a little bag of burts bees goodness and she sent me these goodies. i was surprised to recieve it already! this is what's in it:
--2 pompon kits (my oldest daughter & i can do this together)
--lots of cute ponytail holders
--2 sheets of stickers (both girls think i should share)
--ice cream cone w/ candy & a glow motorcycle keychain inside (the boy will want this!)
--ketchup magnet w/ a hook & little magnet tomato (so cute!)
--penguin marker (our neighbor boy has all different kinds of animals of these. they're neat!)
--a tube of thomas the train candies (all three kiddies shared these)
lots of fun! thank you very much,
chalinn! and i would love to do another trade w/ you anytime :]